EVZ EDITORIAL: Vasile Blaga and the poisoned poll

EVZ EDITORIAL: Vasile Blaga and the poisoned poll

SILVIU SERGIU: "The last INSOMAR poll shows an unprecedented situation: the right is about to lose the Capital. The perverted effect could be the disbanding of the PDL voters".

Even though we can admit that the figures are taken into consideration by a small part of the voters (just 25% of the electors are influenced by this kind of sociological researches), the INSOMAR poll is extremely dangerous for PDL and, obviously, for its candidate Vasile Blaga. If the percents doesn't matter, the tendencies are almost never ignored by the voters. Blaga's largest problem is that this sociological research shows an unprecedented situation: the right's candidate is second. Subliminally, the message received by the voters is the following: the "oranges" are about to lose the Capital. It's the time of others. Of the independents.

This could explain the attempt made by president Traian Basescu to start a new "Pink note" scandal. The accusations on politicians, who looked for him at the office and at home, to put a good word for them at the prosecutors, launched in the Realitatea TV studio, was meant to turn over the attention from the top story of the day: the noxious poll for Blaga.

Applying the classical recipe, the president tried to fill up the media space with something else. How anti corruption was always at hand, a new scandal of this type seemed the perfect solution. Naturally, the journalists who interviewed him developed the hot story, and , from that moment, the show went in the direction wanted by the head of state. Traian Basescu avoided to give names, to prolong the  suspense. He hoped that probably in the following day the journalists will be so impatient that they will faint in their attempt to find the corrupted. This thing didn't happened. Then, Elena Udrea entered the stage, with the mission of reinforcing the scandal. She let the journalist believe that, among others, there are more cases of influence abuse other than the famous pink note of Tariceanu.

Just that the public emulation didn't begin, and Basescu managed just for the moment to confiscate the public debates.

For Blaga, the perverted effect that the INSOMAR poll could have is not necessarily the increase of Oprescu's chances, but a disbanding of PDL voters. Certainly, in the democrat-liberal activists and sympathizers soul already entered the doubt that Blaga would be able to win the Capital's City Hall. The poll is more dangerous because it comes to confirm a genuine secret of Polichinelle, that circulated a long time in the political and media environments, discussed in talk shows and campaign televised confrontations: the voters from Bucharest are fed up of mayors with a party card and want and independent. They are satisfied even with one made of pasteboard like doctor Sorin Oprescu. 

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