EVZ EDITORIAL: The murder of the uninominal is being prepared
- Adam Popescu
- 10 iulie 2008, 03:20
Ioana Lupea: "The forging of the elections through the cutting of the colleges is a fake debate. Its purpose: to delay of the «uninominal» appliance and to find an scape goat".
In a historical editorial, Ion Cristoiu accuses the PSD and PNL intention of forging the parliamentary elections, in the detriment of Traian Basescu's party. Cristoiu deplores the cutting of the uninominal colleges so that the social-democrats and the liberals will assure their victory before the Winter ballots and expresses his surprise over the lack of reaction of PDL, which it's obstructed to say its opinion. Surprising? Ion Cristoiu's indignation would be perfectly legitimate if the thesis was true. The original vote system elaborated by the Romanian Parliament doesn't allow "gerrymandering", forging the elections through the cutting of the electoral colleges, because it is not uninominal, but proportional.
The given vote is "uninominal", meaning a single candidate, but the terms are distributed proportionally, based on the percents obtained by the parties at the national level and by the results obtained by each candidate in the electoral circumscriptions. The cutting of the colleges doesn't matter almost at all in the competition between the political parties in competition. Like Doc is showing on his website (doc.hotnews.ro/), the dispute of this "gerrymandering" can't be between one party and another, but between the candidates of the same party. "The actual parliamentary leaders wand to be sure that the electorate will not play their way and send other party colleagues in the Parliament, instead of them", writes Doc. I'll go further with a scenario. But if, scared by this perspective, parliamentary leaders like Viorel Hrebenciuc and Bogdan Olteanu will try to bury the principle, meaning the vote system, trying at the same time to find a scape goat?
PSD and PNL, respectively the government, doesn't allow under any circumstances to kill the system which they had invented. To escape the uninominal curse, they are forced to find a solution and a scape goat. The exit can't be other than to dispute the colleges in the legal department-administrative, because, for example, doesn't respect the rule according to which the population of the colleges may vary with only 30%. The scape goat: PDL, if it bites the bait named "gerrymandering". Many could be found in Traian Basescu's party willing to be self-victimized. For example, Valentin Iliescu, the party's representative in the Electoral Code Commission. It's seems that he doesn't understands the nature of the vote system which he helped to create. The forging of the elections through the cutting of the electoral colleges is a false debate. What would happen if PDL will answer to Ion Cristoiu's call for revolt?
It would prove, as the PC deputy Vlad Hogea said, that "it tryies to block the activity of THE Electoral Code Commission, in the purpose of delaying the uninominal vote appliance for the future parliamentary elections". My feeling is that is being tried to bury the system with PDL's hand. A sign that it is prepared a delay of the new electoral code at these elections is the serenity of Corneliu Vadim Tudor. A few days ago, he announced us that in 2008 the vote will be on the lists.