English section

THE EFFORT MADE TO PROTECT MACOVEI AT ALL COSTS, FOR 10 YEARS. The scandal "SIPA Archive", buried in SECRET by Raluca Pruna

THE EFFORT MADE TO PROTECT MACOVEI AT ALL COSTS, FOR 10 YEARS. The scandal "SIPA Archive", buried in SECRET by Raluca Pruna

The report about SIPA Archive, published in exclusivity by Evenimentul zilei and declassified on Friday by Minister Tudorel Toader, contains serious allegations to Macovei. Pruna, who was her Parliamentary Assistant,...

„KOVESI will recognize that she was at Oprea's home in the 2009 election night”. Andronic REVEALS THE STAKE OF THE DNA INTERVIEW

„KOVESI will recognize that she was at Oprea's home in the 2009 election night”. Andronic REVEALS THE STAKE OF THE DNA INTERVIEW

Journalist Dan Andronic declared Sunday at Antena 3 that the real reason for the DNA Chief Prosecutor Laura Kovesi, gave an extensive interview to the site ziare.com, is related to...

General Dumitru Iliescu reveals the reason Liviu Dragnea retired! Former Presidential adviser on national security makes sensational disclosures. „We are the State!”

General Dumitru Iliescu reveals the reason Liviu Dragnea retired! Former Presidential adviser on national security makes sensational disclosures. „We are the State!”

Former director of the Romanian Security and Protection Service, Dumitru Iliescu, makes shocking revelations on its Facebook page. The man who led the SPP between 1990 and 1996 writes that...

Operation "We are the State!" Destroying the DNA phase

Operation "We are the State!" Destroying the DNA phase

Operation "We are the State". I've written in recent months countless materials about the way which was built in Romania a parallel structure of power, concentrated around the key personalities...

Macovei and TAPALAGĂ entered the first time in SIPA Archive in January 2005. They left with TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS (XX)

Macovei and TAPALAGĂ entered the first time in SIPA Archive in January 2005. They left with TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS (XX)

SIPA Archive (Independent Service of Security and Anti-corruption) and related mysteries continues to make many people talk, some of them being so far, out of the political game with the...

Director of the STS: „I haven't had talks with Oprea, Kovesi, Basescu or Maior” | „WE ARE THE STATE!” (XIX)

Director of the STS: „I haven't had talks with Oprea, Kovesi, Basescu or Maior” | „WE ARE THE STATE!” (XIX)

At the hearings of the Special Commission that investigated presidential elections from 2009, head of STS, Marcel Opriș, said that his institution would not have been asked to get involved...

Danileț admits that he failed to fulfill the tasks laid down by head Macovei | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XVIII)

Danileț admits that he failed to fulfill the tasks laid down by head Macovei | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XVIII)

At Radio România Actualități, the judge stated that he entered the SIPA Archive not sooner than 2007. According to a Government ruling initiated by Macovei, the archive had to be...

Former AEP head accuses SRI's involvement in the presidential elections from 2009 | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XVIII)

Former AEP head accuses SRI's involvement in the presidential elections from 2009 | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XVIII)

Ana - Maria Pătru sent an incendiary letter to the Commission of inquiry stating that it's suspicious that SIVECO was doing the AEP software. Pătru is judged exactly for contracts...

NOW you CAN READ the DOCUMENT in FULL! We got our hands on the SECRET REPORT about SIPA Archive's accessing!

NOW you CAN READ the DOCUMENT in FULL! We got our hands on the SECRET REPORT about SIPA Archive's accessing!

The 15th episode of the series „We Are the State!”, who had the title „SIPA Archive had over 3.000 dossiers about judges and prosecutors - An explosive report revealing how...

Head of DNA lied the press and the Members of Parliament in Brussels

Head of DNA lied the press and the Members of Parliament in Brussels

Laura Codruța Kovesi reached the performance of lying her own supporters in Brussels. She said, in answering a question asked by the journalist Mirel Curea, that SRI officers had only...

How the „Binomial” appeared. Why the people of SRI were angry with Morar and they preferred Kovesi. „WE ARE THE STATE!” (VIII)

How the „Binomial” appeared. Why the people of SRI were angry with Morar and they preferred Kovesi. „WE ARE THE STATE!” (VIII)

During the day of yesterday I published in the on-line edition of Evenimentul Zilei a material in which I demonstrated that the relationship between SRI (The Romanian Intelligence Service) and...



You're a covered officer at SRI! Or SIE or the Army. The press has numerous problems. Most are economic, but from some point they become credibility problems. And the most...

SIPA ARCHIVE. Declassification of the Report from 2008, essential to clarify the handling of SIPA documents | "We Are the State!" (XVI)

SIPA ARCHIVE. Declassification of the Report from 2008, essential to clarify the handling of SIPA documents | "We Are the State!" (XVI)

30 percent of the information gathered by SIPA regarded infringements of organized crime, corruption or crimes against the national security. They aimed judges, prosecutors, police officers, politicians, journalists. This was...

SIPA archive had over 3.000 files regarding judges and prosecutors. An explosive report reveals how discreditable documents  were copied (XV)

SIPA archive had over 3.000 files regarding judges and prosecutors. An explosive report reveals how discreditable documents were copied (XV)

SIPA Archive. The SRI-DNA Binomial would not have functioned so effectively if it wouldn't have a third element, essential for "streamlining" the journey of files considered a priority by the...

How the SRI- General Prossecutor's Office annihilated Catalin Voicu, PSD Senator who tried to block the election of Basescu in 2009 (XI)

How the SRI- General Prossecutor's Office annihilated Catalin Voicu, PSD Senator who tried to block the election of Basescu in 2009 (XI)

Kovesi-Coldea, the name of two very powerful people, who made two highly important institutions of Romania to work in unison, in what was called even in the official documents of...

Secrets of Sebastian Ghita, between special operations of the State and obscure interests of the information services |"WE ARE THE STATE!" (XIII)

Secrets of Sebastian Ghita, between special operations of the State and obscure interests of the information services |"WE ARE THE STATE!" (XIII)

Operation „We Are the State!” has become a motive for headaches for many politicians and senior officials of the State, being put into connection facts that until now seemed unspeakable....

INCREDBILE! Former SRI Col. Daniel Dragomir, arrested in the Black Cube Ca, starts talking

INCREDBILE! Former SRI Col. Daniel Dragomir, arrested in the Black Cube Ca, starts talking

The former high officer of the SRI Daniel Dragomir wrote last night on his Facebook account that “there is a time for everything”. Last night, he made sensational disclosures at...

Sebastian Ghita, the BOND MAN in the 2009 presidential election night | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XII)

Sebastian Ghita, the BOND MAN in the 2009 presidential election night | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XII)

Sebastian Ghita and his role in the election of 2009. The series "We Are the State!" continues to deliver new comments, some more stuffy, others more calm, but all got...

HOW I SPENT ONE NIGHT WITH LAURA CODRUTA KOVESI AND FLORIAN COLDEA. The second round of presidential election in 2009 (X)

HOW I SPENT ONE NIGHT WITH LAURA CODRUTA KOVESI AND FLORIAN COLDEA. The second round of presidential election in 2009 (X)

Kovesi-Coldea, a couple of force. When I started writing „We are the State!” series I didn't had the real picture of the mechanism that will result from the episodes hosted...

How did the SRI-DNA „Binomial” appear? Why were those from SRI nervous at Morar and preferred Kovesi. „We are the State!” (VIII)

How did the SRI-DNA „Binomial” appear? Why were those from SRI nervous at Morar and preferred Kovesi. „We are the State!” (VIII)

Yesterday we published in the on-line edition of Evenimentul zilei a material which demonstrates that the relation SRI-Public Ministry is not an invention of some hot minded journalists, but an...