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INCREDBILE! Former SRI Col. Daniel Dragomir, arrested in the Black Cube Ca, starts talking

INCREDBILE! Former SRI Col. Daniel Dragomir, arrested in the Black Cube Ca, starts talking

The former high officer of the SRI Daniel Dragomir wrote last night on his Facebook account that “there is a time for everything”. Last night, he made sensational disclosures at...

Sebastian Ghita, the BOND MAN in the 2009 presidential election night | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XII)

Sebastian Ghita, the BOND MAN in the 2009 presidential election night | "WE ARE THE STATE!" (XII)

Sebastian Ghita and his role in the election of 2009. The series "We Are the State!" continues to deliver new comments, some more stuffy, others more calm, but all got...

HOW I SPENT ONE NIGHT WITH LAURA CODRUTA KOVESI AND FLORIAN COLDEA. The second round of presidential election in 2009 (X)

HOW I SPENT ONE NIGHT WITH LAURA CODRUTA KOVESI AND FLORIAN COLDEA. The second round of presidential election in 2009 (X)

Kovesi-Coldea, a couple of force. When I started writing „We are the State!” series I didn't had the real picture of the mechanism that will result from the episodes hosted...

How did the SRI-DNA „Binomial” appear? Why were those from SRI nervous at Morar and preferred Kovesi. „We are the State!” (VIII)

How did the SRI-DNA „Binomial” appear? Why were those from SRI nervous at Morar and preferred Kovesi. „We are the State!” (VIII)

Yesterday we published in the on-line edition of Evenimentul zilei a material which demonstrates that the relation SRI-Public Ministry is not an invention of some hot minded journalists, but an...

How Dragnea became more important for the SRI-DNA „Binomial” than Victor Ponta. Operation „WE Are the STATE!” (III)

How Dragnea became more important for the SRI-DNA „Binomial” than Victor Ponta. Operation „WE Are the STATE!” (III)

Operation "We Are the State" aroused the interest of several journalists. Liviu Dragnea's bond with former first SRI Deputy Florian Coldea is a topical subject which generates many questions concerning...

HOW WAS KOVESI ACQUITTED OF REVOCATION. The link between the Toader and SRI Gen. Dumbrava, creator of „Tactical Field from Justice”. (VII)

HOW WAS KOVESI ACQUITTED OF REVOCATION. The link between the Toader and SRI Gen. Dumbrava, creator of „Tactical Field from Justice”. (VII)

Kovesi at the head of DNA and Coldea, first Deputy at SRI, was the essence of the successful recipe of Operation "We are the State!” It is true that this...

DRAGNEA was telling in 2013 that KOVESI will be named DNA Chief because she was very mad at BASESCU (V)

DRAGNEA was telling in 2013 that KOVESI will be named DNA Chief because she was very mad at BASESCU (V)

Liviu Dragnea returns as a character in this episode also. "We are the State!", disclosed by Evenimentul Zilei, brought in front of public opinion a whole branch of personal relations,...

The connection between Iliescu, Dan Nica’s birthday, the presence of Kovesi and burial of the Revolution Dossier. „WE ARE THE STATE!” (VI)

The connection between Iliescu, Dan Nica’s birthday, the presence of Kovesi and burial of the Revolution Dossier. „WE ARE THE STATE!” (VI)

Ion Iliescu is the symbol of PSD. But not just that. He is the symbol of a secretive Romania. Today we will see how Laura Codruta Kovesi, General Prosecutor at...

High level SRI parties, the place where ICCJ judges, DNA prosecutors and politicians stood at the same table and orchestrate the country

High level SRI parties, the place where ICCJ judges, DNA prosecutors and politicians stood at the same table and orchestrate the country

SRI. I wrote a few days ago about how in the past 10-12 years a group of interests coalesced around the SRI, through the two people that marked the existence...

ROMANIA and The Deep State. Why Popoviciu, Ghita and Adamescu run away

ROMANIA and The Deep State. Why Popoviciu, Ghita and Adamescu run away

Puiu Popoviciu does not want to return to Romania to execute a seven-year prison sentence. He's somewhere in London, or in the United States. Alexandru Adamescu does not want to...

DOCUMENT - The proof that the protocol between the Prosecutor’s Office and the RIS existed

DOCUMENT - The proof that the protocol between the Prosecutor’s Office and the RIS existed

Amazing discovery of the National Anticorruption Directorate and the Romanian Intelligence Service to the forefront. Although Laura Codruţa Kovesi denied, the GPO-SRI protocol existed. There is a document in this...

KOVESI RUINED LAZARICA – Traian Basescu accuses the intoxications of the heads of DNA and PICCJ

KOVESI RUINED LAZARICA – Traian Basescu accuses the intoxications of the heads of DNA and PICCJ

“Augustin Lazar sat in the trail of Mrs. Kovesi and made an unhappy tandem. Kovesi and Lazar made a great abuse…they had many outings in the press, internationally misinforming…there are...

WE CAUGHT KOVESI - Here is the proof the protocol PICCJ - RIS existed!

WE CAUGHT KOVESI - Here is the proof the protocol PICCJ - RIS existed!

It has the number 003064 of 04.02.2009 and has been signed when Laura Kovesi was General Prosecutor. In its base, DNA and IRS have legally instrumented, in partnership, criminal cases....

Operation “WE ARE THE STATE!” (II). The tennis matches on a high level, a mixture of politicians, businessmen and intelligence officers

Operation “WE ARE THE STATE!” (II). The tennis matches on a high level, a mixture of politicians, businessmen and intelligence officers

I have mentioned that I was not present to any of the tennis matches of those involved, as well as I was not invited to the birthdays of Florian Coldea,...

EXCLUSIVE. Al Jazeera GM, Mostefa Souag, responds to the attacks of 13 Arab countries on the news channel | Dan Andronic's interview

EXCLUSIVE. Al Jazeera GM, Mostefa Souag, responds to the attacks of 13 Arab countries on the news channel | Dan Andronic's interview

Al Jazeera ( the island in English) is the most influential news channel in the Arab World. And not only. It appeared in 1996, being fully funded by the Qatar...

traian test

traian test

traian test traian test