Operation "We are the State!" Destroying the DNA phase
- Dan Andronic
- 24 ianuarie 2018, 17:37
Operation "We are the State". I've written in recent months countless materials about the way which was built in Romania a parallel structure of power, concentrated around the key personalities who owned the main structures of force of Romania.
I have brought to light a phylum of relationships of subordination and friendship between politicians, judges, prosecutors, intelligence officers, dignitaries, which created a veritable spider's Web between the State structures. "Their mission" was real power perpetuation, informal, regardless of who held the political power.
Thus a circle of power was created in which the main pillars were Victor Ponta, George Maior, Florian Coldea, Gabriel Oprea, Laura Codruta Kovesi. Orbiting around them were different characters, from business, the media, local administration, football, from Sebastian Ghiță to Vasile Dîncu, passing by Puiu Iordănescu and Neculai Onțanu.
It was a circle of power based on relations of friendship, kinship, business, in which there were consolidated informal power structures. I could say, looking back, that the most powerful member of this grouping was (and still is) SRI General Florian Coldea.
I've heard many legends concerning the influence Florian Coldea had on the system's structures of force and I can tell you that at least a couple of times I saw it turn into political or criminal decisions. The knowledge which he acquired in the 11-year mandate at the head of the institution that accumulates most information reaching internal and external recipients is hard to match by any of those mentioned above. That is why he was the hardest to eliminate.
Perhaps if the new director of SRI, Eduard Hellvig, wouldn't have been a man "who hates abuse" as himself stated, the scent of omnipotence given by the parallel structures of power would have stunned him quickly. And we would have assisted to a strengthening of the Operation "We are the State!"
However, he preferred to take the institution out of the power games, to return it to its natural mission, no longer broadcast indictments for DNA and surveillance of the target people with warrants for national security based on the famous article 3 letter f of the National Safety Law.
For those who don't know what's with the famous article 3, subparagraph (f), I can say that it is the most important finding of those who created the Operation "We are the State".
Is the article that establishes any Romanian citizen as the saboteur: "undermine, sabotage or any other actions aimed at the removal by force of the democratic institutions of the State or that brings serious prejudice to the fundamental rights and freedoms of Romanian citizens or may affect the ability to defense or other such interests of the country and also acts of destruction, decay or bringing in the state of unused the structures necessary for the proper conduct of social life- economic or national defense.”
It seems an expression from the time of Gheorghiu Dej? So it is, but the law is in force in Romania in the year 2017. While the mandates of listening on national security, given by the thousands every year in the time of Florian Coldea, were grounded on article 3, subparagraph (f).
A simple example of how anachronistic legislation serves modern purposes of power conquest.
But things are far from being completed. We have witnessed these days to a major conflict inside DNA. I've heard prosecutors saying they expect to be arrested by Laura Codruta Kovesi, as they know what she is capable of. Two highly feared prosecutors until a week ago, Doru Țuluș and Mihaela Iorga, became enemies of the DNA chief because they didn't participate enthusiastically to an act of mindless power. So they became, overnight, potential criminals, future defendants. According to the recipe that Laura Codruta Kovesi & Florian Coldea have applied to all those who inconvenienced them. Only now disclosing no longer come from people outside the system, but from those who participated in the "pickling" of many.
This is the final episode of this Operation. Which, unfortunately will bring the destruction of the DNA.