EVZ EDITORIAL: More than Oprescu

EVZ EDITORIAL: More than Oprescu

IOANA LUPEA: "From the City Electoral Bureau a star was born".

Not even the triumph for the Cpital's City Hall would not of served Sorin Oprescu better than the BEM decision to reject his candidateship. If he will lose or if he will win in the court, the joking Doctor remains a hero in the eyes of the voters already touched by the anti-everything speach of Traian Basescu. A victim of dirty politics and of the scoundreled system, around which PSD could build an independent "alternative" to traian Basescu, not by chance one of the politician suspected of hindering Oprescu's candidateship, toghether with the PSD leader Mircea Geoana. So, Ion Iliescu, the candidate's spiritual father, can avenge on the head of state by stealing his rhetoric, and his voters. Just passing trough he can behead Mircea Geoana, if it will be the case. Or he could take half of PSD, because he stayed toghether with Cristian Diaconescu only with his body.

Sorin Oprescu was yesterday too good to be true, was more than every day Oprescu. He spoke as credible as the head of state in his good days about a rumor campaign, about a media boicot, about the politicians plot. A speach for the heart of the voters that, if they would use their minds, would see the fake. The candidate himself is the one that launched Tuesday evening, the information regarding the signatures invalidation. As of the media boicot, let's be serious! He was ten times more present, in person or as debate subject, on Realitatea Tv and Antena 3 than any other pretendent for the Capital's City Hall. Not even the politicians plot doesn't stand. Why would rivals Vasile Blaga and Cristian Diaconescu transform him into a victiom, a succesfull screenplay in post-Decembrist Romania? The only conspiracy against Sorin Oprescu was the flippancy of the opertors that collected the signatures for his registration in the electoral race.

Sorin Oprescu didn't came at the press conference like he usually goes to television, but wll prepared by people that know what they are doing. But who? Vladimir Pati publicly assumed, in a press statement, the role of consultant. The fresh consultant of a rejected candidate is the man that in 2000 reinvented politically Theodor Stolojan, former leader of the Group "A future for Romania", the political and ideological FSN laboratory and former director of Sorin Ovidiu Vantu's INSOMAR.

The performance made in front of the video cameras, as the announcement that he will adress the Constitutional Court in case that the court doesn't prove him right are the signs of a long term project, that can't be originating only from Oprescu's imense pride. It can be a clue that he intends to play the victim of dirty politicians and the scoundreled system, independent of his candidateship at the Capital's City Hall. With or without the Capital's City Hall in his pocket, Sorin Oprescu aims higher, and not in his own name. Probably to the presidency.

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