Mircea Marian: "After he walked in Bucharest alongside Tariceanu, shaking his tail at every common thing said by the Prime Minister, Sorin Oprescu receives his share: the government wants to transfer the subway from the Ministry of Transport to the Capital City Hall administration."
For almost four years, the former Mayor Videanu has begged all those from Victoria Palace to give him this mean of transportation, whose expansion was essential to the releifing of the traffic from the surface. Ludovic Orban refused to, because he did not wanted to help the people of Basescu. The liberal Minister even wanted to unify the subway and RATB and the passage of the new entity under the Ministry of Transport.
Tariceanu has cut Orban's centralist plans - a loser! -- and allied with Oprescu, whose popularity can help, at the next elections, the chairman of PNL. Remember the scenes in which the Prime Minister was giving valuable guidance on the completion of the underground passage Baneasa: the liberal leader, full of energy, and the mayor of the capital, sitting together and smiling. For Oprescu he lost an hour in the sun of August, and leave Tariceanu to show how concerned he is about the problems of the capital. He will receive the subway - a fat cow, just right for milking. If you look on the website of Metrorex, you'll see that many contracts, including one over one million euros were concluded through negotiation or tender.
Theoretically, the government's decision is correct. The subway must be administered by the authorities in Bucharest, which have the necessary motivation to develop this means of transport. Orban managed to complete only about four km of underground lines - built largely in the Ceausescu regime. According to Orban's statements, the link between Nicolae Grigorescu and the belt road should be ready by June, but will be inaugurated only in November, exactely in the electoral campaign.
But the problem is another: are those who are leading, now!, Bucharest prepared to handle the problem of underground transport? When they have not yet started work on the suspended highway, promised in the campaign from June? Beyond the joke, Metrorex is living from the subsidies and has a desperate need for investment to ensure links with Otopeni, Pantelimon or Laromet. Who thinks that Oprescu is prepared to hold an auction so complex as for the line Ghencea-Eroilor, which should cost $ 1.3 billion, excluding VAT, raise your hands.
The subway is only the first among the small gestures of Tariceanu with which he will reward the mayor of the capital, because he leaves him to benefit from his popularity. Hospitals are being prepared, because this is the gift that Sorin Oprescu dreams for years. On the last hundred meters, the PNL government will pass the medical units under the subordination of the local authorities.
Oprescu has been a director at two hospitals. Now, that Tariceanu will make him master over a few tens ..., the man will simply be happy and will do everything to ensure the Liberal victory in elections.