EVZ EDITORIAL: A mayor for the stray dogs

EVZ EDITORIAL: A mayor for the stray dogs

Mircea Marian: “We expect another four painful years for this capital, which is suffocated by the traffic, wretchedness and stray dogs.”

It really doesn’t matter who wins the Mayor title because the winner will be another politician looking for a way to aim for the Presidency or the Prime Minister post. We know from our own experience what this means: all efforts will focus on scandals, vanishing money from the public budget for the future canvass and complete indolence toward every problem that the inhabitants must face, if the media doesn’t focus its attention on such matters.

The stray dogs situation is a clear example of what we will face. As long as there was a public pressure, solutions have been found. Once Bucharest’s inhabitants stopped their protests, the authorities lost their interest and the packs of stray dogs regained their territories.

70 people are bit by dogs every day now and they have to buy vaccines that cost about 40 euros.

We have two more months left until the elections and we can’t find any one to ask how this issue can be resolved. I find it incredible that the Social Democrat Party and the Democrat Liberal Party are still stuck in a strictly political strategy game and are not able to come up with a clear offer for the Mayor’s office.

We haven’t the slightest idea of who might rule over the 6 sectors of the capital. They could even propose a goat for Mayor because we know that it all sums up to a political vote. It’s either for or against Basescu.

Still, out of a minimum respect for the citizens, they should have come up with the usual aspirants who would recite their usual stories of great plans. To have someone tell us jokes about the impossible traffic. Or someone who would promise to plant more trees and clean up the parks and declare that this city will not allow the construction of new apartment buildings in the middle of a house neighborhood.

Someone to promise subway routes for all the neighborhoods. Not that these promises would mean anything the day after the votes are counted.

But these people don’t even bother to serve us the usual electoral lies. PSD is stuck because it has too many candidates and the circus will continue until 21st of April, the last day for entering the campaign.

And as the list of candidates is being done, the period of time until the actual elections won’t be enough to host a serious public debate in which they could tell us about their intentions.

Thus, the local elections are already a lost cause for Bucharest’s citizens. The name of the candidate who will become Mayor will probably count for the parties.

The political clientele will once more benefit from the resources the capital has to offer. We’re expecting another four years in which this European city will sink under its own misery.

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