Nastase, called at DNA to save PSD

Nastase, called at DNA to save PSD

A group of loyal people of the ex premier have mobilized for reinstituting him as party leader.

The party melts like a candle. We have reached 12%, said the PSD deputy Eugen Bejinariu, one of the people still loyal to Nastase. In PSD there have appeared the germs of a revolution.

A handful of senators and deputies are about to cerate an initiative group which would bring Adrian Nastase back.

Nastase did not comment upon the movement of those who propose him as a solution for reviving PSD. “When I have something to say, I will say it, and not someone else”, said the ex premier. He admitted that there might be some discontent in the party and people looking for a solution.

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Eugen Bejinariu was the Secretary General of the Nastase government. In March 2006, after Nastase was removed from PSD leadership and he was planning to quit, Bejinariu stood as leader of a parliamentary group which was going to migrate to PC.

Bejinariu then quit PSD criticizing Geoana. Nobody followed him; all those threatening with resignations changed their minds under the influence of Viorel Hrebenciuc. A few months later, Bejinariu returned to PSD with the help of Miron Mitrea.