EVZ EDITORIAL: The remaking of the PDL-PNL alliance, a hypocritical proposal

EVZ EDITORIAL: The remaking of the PDL-PNL alliance, a hypocritical proposal

Silviu Sergiu: "PDL wants to push the liberals in the arms of PSD. Basescu will thus be able to explain to the right wing electorate his refusal to appoint a liberal-social-democratic PM".

At first glance, the intense courting that Valeriu Stoica is making for PNL seems an honest attempt of PDL (in danger of not having with whom to create the government after elections from autumn) to resuscitate the deceased Justice and Truth Alliance, hopes that the dead may return from the grave, even to be attractive for the electorate.

A few days ago, Valeriu Stoica insisted that right must also reenter its natural course inside PNL. Being one of the most smooth strategists, it's hard to believe that Stoica does not realize that, at this moment, this is as utopic as life on the planet Pluto. PDL can not afford to reactivate ADA renouncing to the condition of the disposal of Tariceanu. After more than three years in which one of the targets of the anti-PNL campaign was Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, to ally yourself again with that you have trashed so bitterly for so long is a political suicide gesture.

Further, the change of Tariceanu can be made only from inside PNL, and this is impossible, now when Prime Minister has strengthened his position through the unexpected result obtained by the PNL in local elections. That Tariceanu is flying high is proved by the fact that he has already announced his intention to apply for a new term as chairman of the party. And he has big chances of wining if PNL will get a similar score in the parliamentary elections, enabling the liberals to continue their governing. In these circumstances, it is hard to believe that Tariceanu will accept a reconciliation with those who tried hardly to damage his credibility. In politics, if someone gives you a slap, is contra productive to turn the other cheek. It is an evidence of weakness and costs you votes. Especially that high score of PNL in the local elections is due to radicalization of the liberal electorate in the face of the attempts of Basescu & Co. to bury Tariceanu's formation. A possible good will shown by the prime minister in front of the PDL-ists would cost him significant percentages.

Accordingly, it is hard to believe that PDL is pushed by a sincere desire for reconciliation with the Tariceanu's party. A sample of hypocrisy is the sending of Valeriu Stoica as messenger, former chairman of PNL, devoted opponent of Tariceanu, the main artisan of the PNL disruption by the leaving of the Stolojan wing.

The PDL Vice President is weeping after the liberals, he is miming the good intentions of PDL, for PNL to seem the principal responsible for the division of the Right, who prefers an agreement against its nature with PSD than a normal love story with PDL.

I think that the adhesion of PNL with PSD will be a strong argument for Traian Băsescu, who will have to explain the right wing electorate why he refuses to appoint a prime minister supported by the liberal-social-democratic coalition.

Involuntary, Valeriu Stoica is making an image service for PNL. The repeated bids to reactivate the Alliance D.A. is sketching PDL in the image of a weak party, which acknowledges that the disbanding of PNL was a wrong strategy and he will return, kissing the hand which he bit.

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