EVZ EDITORIAL: PC will not get fat at the PRM wake

EVZ EDITORIAL: PC will not get fat at the PRM wake

Silviu Sergiu: "Corneliu Vadim Tudor is in the most delicate moment of his career since he entered politics."

From viguros politician in 2000, entered into the second round of the presidential elections, the Tribune has ended up as an itinerant political cadavre, which wanders the hospital halls with an almost dried up infusion in his hand. Although he shouts from the top of his lungs, not one nurse is rushing to change the reserve, and the hall colleagues are making plans on how to remove the needle from the vein.

In just eight years, C.V. Tudor has collapsed from 25% to 3.7%. The causes are many and generally known. The most important are the economic growth and living standards, Romania's entry in the European Union (fact that constrained the local politicians to lead a policy of marginalization of the extremists) and the intelligent management of the relations with the Hungarian minority by the authorities from Bucharest.

With a Corneliu Vadim Tudor crawling to his death on the political stage, it is no wonder that the necrophags eager for a feast have emerged. The Conservative Party is just waiting to dance on tables at the political wake of PRM. The merger offer by absorption, which its leaders have made to PRM is an attempt to disconnect CV Tudor from the life supporting machines, hoping that he will die before the elections. The Tribune has understood this, hence his vehement reaction with which he rejected that proposal. A merger by acquisition is a way to hipnotize the PRM parliamentarians and to make them believe that they can hope for a place in the future parliament or for other functions after the elections. Scared that they will remain on the outside, it is very possible that many of the close men of the Tribune, the one who are left, to give up to the temptation.

I think that the PRM-ists who are making plans to defect to PC are getting drunk with cold water, if they are imagining that they will receive unlimited functions. Certainly the PSD, if it will govern along with PNL after elections in the autumn, will not accept to share the few jobs with the PRM-ists. They have already chosen to share them with the PC-ists in order to benefit from the media protection in the electoral campaign. For four years, PSD is polishing the opposition benches, they have reached the bottom of the financial bag, and if it will be again to power, the functions to be divided will be too few for the social democrats and the conservative, not to say about the PRM-ists.

If the PC-ists are imagining that, with the eventual absorption of PRM it will confiscate the shallow percents of the party, they are sadly mistaking. Gheorghe Funar and the rest of Vadim's liutenants are political characters too obsolete to contribute to the consistent growth of the PC score.

In these circumstances, the only chance of C.V. Tudor to save himself is the invalidation of the law of the uninominal vote, following the appeal made by PRM. Reverting to vote on the lists, in which the former locomotive of PRM will be only an electoral small train, in conjunction with a very low attendance to the vote, it could help the Tribune to jump the electoral threshold of 5%. It will be just an extension of his agony with another four years.

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