Aurora Boreală se vede și din România în această noapte! Spectaculosul eveniment este în plină desfășurare, de unde poate fi observat

Aurora Boreală se vede și din România în această noapte! Spectaculosul eveniment este în plină desfășurare, de unde poate fi observat sursa: arhivă EVZ

După o erupție solară extrem de puternică, Aurora Boreală poate fi văzută parțial și din țara noastră. Fenomenul beneficiază de vizibilitate până târziu în noaptea de sâmbătă spre duminică.

It has a special astronomical event at this time and is in full swing. The aurora borealis can also be seen in areas where it is not commonly seen. And this is due to a strong solar flare . The phenomenon started at 21.00 and lasts until 03.00 - Sunday morning.

A spectacular phenomenon, the Northern Lights, which can be seen in some areas of our country

"If you are in the north of the country and you are looking at the northern horizon, you might see some reddish or green lights. They are very weak ", said Adrian Sonka, astronomer and coordinator of the Vasile Urseanu Observatory in Bucharest , for TVR. This phenomenon is based on a solar flare that occurred on October 29 and was extremely strong.

To capture the spectacular phenomenon and to preserve precious memories, photography enthusiasts should arm themselves with the right equipment.

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The northern lights are a rarity for our country, the frequency of such a phenomenon being between 5 and 10 years. The chances of being seen with the naked eye are very small. The explanation for why the northern lights could appear in our country is related to a strong solar flare.

Information about the great optical phenomenon

The phenomenon will be best seen in Maramureş, Bistriţa-Năsăud and Harghita counties, according to the quoted source.

"What, where and from where should I notice? Areas protected to the NORTH from light pollution (min. 20-30 km). Look north. Most of the lights will be below the horizon (the phenomenon will have a maximum at 48-50 ° lat. Magnetic N) , but short flickers of colors can be seen in the distance. The weather conditions will be perfect (clear skies), so all we have to do is have a little luck and a lot of patience.

Due to the significant distance between the area with maximum visibility of the phenomenon and the coordinates of our country, we will not witness spectacular scenes, such as those captured in Alaska, Norway or Finland. In the happiest case, the lucky ones will have a view similar to the one in the first photo (Harghita, March 2015 - Attila Munzlinger) ”, it is stated on the Severe Wheater Alert Facebook account.