Liberals and social democrats are disputing the paternity of the project
- Adam Popescu
- 29 iunie 2007, 03:00
PNL and PSD raced in who gives more money to the pensioners
Social – Democrats hoped to give an image strike in the last day of the parliamentary session by imposing a motion regarding agriculture and pension law, but the liberals did it before them.
After the Senate rejected the PSD motionregarding health, in the same day, Mircea Geoana missed the moment of glory in the Deputy Chamber too. Even if the motion of the social-democrats which stated the subvention of 400 lei for the agricultors was adopted by the deputies, it remained pointless because Bogdan Olteanu announced that the government is offering 650 lei.
Also, the PNL leaders managed to get ahead of the PSD regarding the pension money. After the PSD law passed the commission on Wednesday, Tariceanu declared that the government had already decided the increase.