EVZ EDITORIAL: The end of a romance. Basescu has return
- Adam Popescu
- 3 septembrie 2008, 03:00
Mircea Marian: "After months in which he spared the Tariceanu government and fueled speculation on a possible reconciliation with the liberals, President Traian Băsescu seems to have revived."
Yesterday, in a speech held in front of the Romanian diplomats, the head of state indicated that the government failed to attract any euro from the European funds of 5.5 billion euros for Romania to restore the infrastructure. "It is about incompetence", explained Basescu. He accused the executive that it not only fails to adjust the criticisms of the European Commission, but through its actions, "attacks the positive things" from the report on the state of justice.
This is the attitude that I expect from a man who leads Romania: to say things right! I was fed up with the soft character into which Basescu had transformed, in the hope that he will convince the people from PNL to ally after the elections, with PDL. And who can say that, in the end, the president is wrong? There was not a single day this summer, in which the media not to have reported the infernal traffic on the route Nădlac-Sibiu. This is part of route four pan-European and, theoretically, would find European funding for the largest part of a motorway that links the border with Hungary with Pitesti. The PNL government has failed to finish, at least, the feasibility studies. Instead of searching for co-financing for the motorway, the executive preferred to buy the votes of the state workers and pensioners. In 2004, when the IMF head was looking at us, the salaries of our state workers were consuming 4.9% of the GDP. Now, they swallow 7% of the domestic product. And for the funding of increased pensions, the government was preparing to transfer $ 1.3 billion in November from the state budget to the social insurance one. This in the conditions in which, yesterday, Prime Minister Tariceanu brags about the intention to allocate 6% of GDP for infrastructure.
I am convinced that the new charge of Basescu against the liberal government will upset many leaders of the PDL, which are dividing the functions of the future government. Let us remember what sorrow has been in this party when the Prime Minister Tariceanu sent away from the Victoria Palace the democrat ministers. Many of the democrat-liberals would leave Basescu for the sake of a co-existence, at the government, with those from PNL. On the other hand, why should the president carry his party on his back, which is making mistake after mistake? Yesterday, less than three months after the coalition, at Bucharest, with Becali's party, the people of Boc they have reconfirmed Vadim Tudor in the position of deputy chairman of the Senate. Throughout the election campaign, people from PDL will try to explain their electorate - mostly from those who sympathized with those in University Square - why they have allied with PRM. The answer is simple: for two posts of secretary of parliament, that is for a car, a secretary and a larger office for some party leaders.
For the current president, such a party could form a barrier at the presidential elections in 2009. With PDL at the government, the head of state will be obliged to emasculate his own critical instincts. In order for Basescu to be reelected, a coalition PNL-PSD would be almost perfect.