The prayer for rain

The prayer for rain

The peasants in Moldova, severely affected by the drought, have put their faith in the special divine services celebrated by priests.

Vaslui and Iasi are the most affected counties in the east by the lack of water and temperatures rising over 25 degrees Celsius, recorded during the last two weeks. In Moldova counties thousands of fountains have drained, the forage crops sown in the fall were compromised and the fields became dry. As the weather prognosis is not optimistic the villagers prayed for the rain.

Bacau: The villagers fear of hunger The priests and peasants in the county have organized religious processions invoking the rain for fear that the lack of water will leave them without crops this year. The authorities have taken measures for preventing the drought effects. “Meteorologically we are experiencing a period of prolonged drought. Since September 2006 the rain came each month in less quantity”. Vaslui: Icons taken out in the streets The drought has taken over the entire county; thousands of acres of cereals have suffered from the lack of water in the soil. The fountains in many villages have drained and also the water for the animals is close to none.

Iasi: One step from calamity zone

Officials from the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development in Iasi have announced that if the drought persists, they will ask the Government to declare the county as calamity zone. They also stated that if the farmers do not insure the crops by the end of the month, they will not be able to collect the compensations.

Neamt: water brought with the water tanks

The most visible effect of the drought in Neamt is the dry fountains. From the total of 41.528 fountains in the county, 1.044 are dry and 10.297 have a low level. The phenomenon is affecting towns in the entire county, including the ones in the mountain area. Starting last week, there is no drop of water in any of the 25 fountains in the Vladnicele village. The locals receive daily water tanks from Roman.

Vrancea: Irrigation system destroyed by the flood

Almost 3000 acres of grains have been compromised by the drought. The authorities have asked for special measures to assure the water for irrigations, but the system was destroyed by the flood in 2005.

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