The intellectuals are writing the constitution of the new Republic
- Adam Popescu
- 20 iunie 2007, 03:00
The very best from various domains will elaborate a project for revising the Constitution, in competition with the parties.
Two prestigious intellectuals like Gabriel Liiceanu and the polithologist Vladimir Tismaneanu, intend to actively involve themselves in the process of changing the Constitution.
The announcement was made yesterday by Gabriel Liiceanu himself at a meeting organized by the liberal Democratic Party having as theme the revising of the fundamental law. Liiceanu announced that intellectuals from all domains will make up a commission which, under the supervising of an Institution of Excellency will elaborate a project for revising the Constitution.
The project of the intellectuals, like Liiceanu calls it, will enter the competition with the more advanced projects of the politicians or the parties.
The announcement made by Liiceanu came into the context of some disagreements manifested between the intellectuals and the PLD representatives, who had just presented their own project.
First it must be decided: parliamentary or presidential republic. In Stoica’s pinion, the Parliament should be unicameral and the law approving competencies should be divided equally with the government.