The Finance Ministry nails taxes

The Finance Ministry nails taxes

The Romanian Fiscal Register will contain all the taxes that we have to pay. New ones will be harder to submit.

After years of pressure from the population and the business environment to evolve and cut the number of non fiscal taxes, officials from the Ministry of Finance announced that they will publish a Romanian Fiscal Register. The registry's website will be ready in May and will be "a republishing of the entire Romanian fiscal system", according to Varujan Vosganian, the Minister of Economy and Finanace (MEF).

He explained that the website will be "like a fiscal survey", that will contain the totality of taxes from Romania (taxes that are found in the Fiscal Code, in other normative papers for founding and functioning of the authorities, starting from autonomous authorities under Parlamentary control like the National Bank, CNVM, CSA, authorities of a professional nature, various forms of taxtion that are found in the Governement agencies area), in this way foreign investors that want to come to Romania "will know the Romanian fiscal relief", said, yesterday, Vosganian.

The register will hold local taxes that were payed to every administration, so the investors will know where to establish their business. Long way for new taxes

From the moment when the Fiscal Register will be launched, all taxes "will freeze".Meaning that in order to modify a tax or to introduce a new one, the responsable institution or authority will have to publish a justification note and an impact study for the tax.

The Ministry of Finance will analyze the documents for an eventual fiscal abuse. According to Vosganian, if the proposal of a tax will be considered an abuse, The Ministry will recommend the Parliament or the professional asociation to stop the introduction of the tax.

Because the Ministry of Finance can;t influence the decisons of the institutions that emit the non fiscal taxes, there is a danger that they will continue to do as they like. At a local level, the Ministry can't interfere on the tax releases or adjustments, says a fiscal specialized lawyer.

UNKNOWN How many taxes are we paying?

The number of the non fiscal taxes is not known. According to a study made by the Ministry of Finance in 2005, there are about 300 taxes. Over 300 taxes were accounted, recently, by "Capital" magazine, and businessman say that in Romania we pay around 540 non fiscal taxes. The money go to central and local budgets and to some agencies and authorities for evaluations, authorizations and approvals.

After the pressions made by the business environment, inside the MEF is functioning, since last year's November, a commission for accounting and analysing the non fiscal area, formed by seven members. The commission's first evaluations stated that we pay 385 taxe, 107 of which were abrogated by the Ministry.

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