The European Commission, official investigation over Nokia
- Adam Popescu
- 28 martie 2008, 09:11
The European Comission will launch an investigation in order to find whether Romania has once again offered state benefits to attract the Finnish investor.
Just as we were unladed with anxieties after the Bruxelles authorities decided that Ford can start production at the factories in Craiova, the European Commission is about to start a new investigation, this time, over the Nokia investment at Cluj.
“Nokia’s case is far more serious than it was at Ford”, an diplomat official stated. The worse case scenario would be that the situation might turn into a political scandal inside the European Union, because Romania would be accused of unorthodox means of attracting western investors.
The European commissioners are having a closer look at the way the Finnish investment was carried out in Cluj, because of the German Parliament members who are unpleased with Nokia’s decision to move its factory from Bochum to Romania.
Meantime, the European Commission (EC) requested “relevant informations” concerning the benefits given to Nokia for investing at Jucu, according to Danuta Hubner, commissioner for regional politics, cited by the „Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung“.
Leonard Orban, the European commissioner for multilingualism, said yesterday that the EC officials are verifying whether the local administration in Cluj has given benefits to the Finnish mobile phone manufacturer. The CE must approve any sort of state benefit given to a company by a state’s authorities.
Nokia received a tax free benefit for as long as the industrial park will function at Jucu, near Cluj, according to Marius Nicoara, president of the County Council in Cluj.