Ion Carstoiu is one of the six prefects who were changed yesterday from their posts. Five of them are ex PD members.
The premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu has decided yesterday to replace 6 prefects, among which a relative of president Basescu. Basescu is the godfather of the ex prefect’s son.
Tariceanu could not just get rid of them, and as they are high public employees, they cannot be fired just like that, the elegant way being a change in the assignments.
So, the prefects from Hunedoara, Arges and Brasov changed places with the sub prefects, all from PNL. For those in Dolj, Ialomita and Teleorman were reserved the jobs of government inspectors, which are the worst in the high public employees hierarchy.
It seems as the changes on political criteria will not stop here. Tariceanu might replace in the following period 15 prefects, mostly from PD, and the biggest name on the list is Mioara Mantale, Prefect of Bucharest.