Romanian Foreign Min Satisfied With The Referendum Abroad

Romanian Foreign Min Satisfied With The Referendum Abroad

Romania’s foreign minister, Adrian Cioroianu, said he is satisfied with the  way the referendum was organized outside Romania.

Cioroianu said that the best future solution is enacting the vote through correspondence.   

EVZ: Minister Cioroianu, are you satisfied with the  way the referendum was organized outside Romania?

Adrian Cioroianu: Certainly. Although it could have run more smoothly.

Don’t you think there were few poll sections in regions where many Romanians lived?

Yes, but the solution is not rising the number of polls, but voting by mail. As I said it from the start. Practically, nobody can keep up the pace with the dynamics of the Romanian population abroad.

Didyou  take into consideration such a solution for this referendum?

There was a project done by MAE long time ago. But this has to be included in our election law,  we all have to agree upon it. And there is no point in encouraging the complaints of Romanian citizens abroad, I'm telling those persons who are willing to listen that the solution does not reside in rising the numebr of polls.



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