PNL takes a step back regarding the 2% threshold

PNL takes a step back regarding the 2% threshold

The idea of lowering the election threshold came from Dan Motreanu, advised by Tariceanu.

The proposition does not have other sustainers in other parties. The liberals declare that they did not make any decision regarding the threshold, saying that the Secretary General Dan Motreanu spoke for himself.

Even the PNL president, premier Tariceanu said the same:” the idea is not mine; it came from a party member. It was not discussed inside the party”.

Mihai Voicu. President of the election commission says that Motreanu did not mean the lowering of the threshold, but that a party will be able to enter the parliament if its representatives win at least 6 uni-nominal colleges.

Vicepresident Puiu Hasotti explains that what Motreanu said was misunderstood by the press. According to liberal sources, Motreanu’s declaration was made with the accord of the president of the party “to test the terrain”.

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