Ceausescu, in the books at Venice

Ceausescu, in the books at Venice

Images of the dictator and a wall carpet with the journalists’ kidnapping will represent us at the Venice pavilion.

After a disputed attempt two years ago, when the artist Daniel Knorr displayed a label on an empty wall, Romania went to Venice with the project “low budget monuments”.

The artistic intention is that of expressing the assimilation of the international politics with the common language. With strings and sticks, Florin Tudor remakes the shape of the Vacaresti Monastery, demolished by Ceausescu, in an attempt of symbolically restore the monument.

Also related to the collective communist imagery, Christoph Buchel and Carmine Giovanni grouped about 300 pictures with Ceausescu in a book suggestively called “CEAU”. A Swiss publication includes the Romanian pavilion among the favorites at the grand prize.

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