The weekend tourists, driven away by the algae

The weekend tourists, driven away by the algae

The most crowded tourist resorts on the Black Sea Romanian coast were mamaia and Saturn.

The first wave of tourists arrived on the southern part of the seaside, although a little later than last year. Along with the unstable weather during the last days, another reason of not coming in such high numbers was the appearance of the algae which “swallowed” the shore.

 Whether Romanian, German or Russian, the tourists preferred Mamaia, Mangalia and Saturn because of the social programs of treatment or entertainment.

Unfortunately, with all the efforts of the employees at the Romanian Waters Office (DAR), the sea algae have shadowed the tourist’s season.

“In the morning, when we returned to the beach, we saw that one of the mountains of algae was gone, probably during the night, but, as it suits the Romanians so well, a few heaps were left. Besides the smell, we must endure the flies which come to the algae. It’s disgusting”, said one of the tourists.

While the tourists were looking for a place among the algae mountains, the workers from DAR were at their limits. Although the management announced that by Saturday evening the algae will be gone, it was impossible.

Until the 1st of June, the workers have collected almost 10.000 square meters of algae, ten times more than last year. Another problem arisen this year is that the shores have been destroyed because of the algae collecting activities and also of the powerful waves.

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