These ATMs allow cash deposits and even installment payments.
More and more banks are installing intelligent ATMs on the Romanian market. The last bank that entered the club is Volksbank. The new ATMs installed by the bank allow cash deposits for credit cards account.
The Machine "swalows" lei and euros, and makes currency exchange, if you have lei and must pay an installment in euro or swiss francs. "We have about 45 intelligent ATMs in function and another 40 will be instlled this month. We hope their number to reach 150 units until the end of the year", said Alina Ferseta, senior marketing & PR officer at Volksbank.
Multifunctional machines
Intelligent banking machines are not new on the Romanian market. The first ATMs were installed by ING Bank, along with the opening of Self Bank units, in 2004. ING has the ATM that allows cash withdrawing and depositing and account informations. It is accompanied by other machines that allow the bank's customers to make a series of operations: the multimat, which is a computer specialized in transfers. What other banks have intelligent ATMs?
Millennium Bank's ATMs allow cash deposits, installment payments, and PIN exchange. ABN Amro Bank has ATMs that grant cash deposits. Credit Europe Bank started in April the installing of ATMs that allow cash deposits in credit card and current accounts.
ANOTHER GENERATION Special machines for bills payments
At least two credit institutions have specialized ATMs for bill payments. BRD has ROBO - the red robot which allows a series of operations: bills payment with cash or credit card, fueling of the account atached to the card, and BRD account informations.
Another credit institution that has ATMs designed for making payments is Citi. This bank has ATMs which allow cash deposits for Easy Payments bills. Bills emitted by Vodafone, Orange and Electrica can be payed through this system.