war Ukraine

Russia continues the pressure! EVZ warned by the embassy that it will be the subject of a diplomatic protest

Russia continues the pressure! EVZ warned by the embassy that it will be the subject of a diplomatic protest

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest sent an open letter to the editor of Evenimentul Zilei. Worried about our answer, they will contact the MAE. To protect the...

We will not modify the article that angered the Russians! Our response to the request of the Russian Federation

We will not modify the article that angered the Russians! Our response to the request of the Russian Federation

Yesterday I made public the address received from a state institution in the Russian Federation dealing with censorship. We were asked, in firm terms, to modify an article that contained...

Russian Federation warns our newspaper! The long hand of Moscow will reach Bucharest!

Russian Federation warns our newspaper! The long hand of Moscow will reach Bucharest!

Russians are famous for their arrogance and callousness. An attitude with historical valences. Especially when it comes to peoples or nations that they consider to be in their sphere of...

Russian propaganda on the offensive. Who represents it in Romania?

Russian propaganda on the offensive. Who represents it in Romania?

People in some member states of EU are siding with Moscow over Ukraine, warned Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the EU Commission and Commissioner for Values and Transparency. She said EU...