Romanian ambassador in USA, not sanctioned by Traian Basescu
- Adam Popescu
- 19 iunie 2007, 03:00

President Traian Basescu has an attitude of reserve regarding the sending of Iulian Buga as ambassador to Washington.
Adrian Cioroianu’s list containing the proposals for ambassadors could suffer some modifications at Cotroceni. According to sources close to the president, Traian Basescu will not hurry to give the ok on the naming of Iulian Buga and Adrian Vierita in Washington and London, even if the jobs have been vacant for over a year.
The president intends to make a fine analysis of the list, especially regarding Buga’s candidacy. He was the main character in a scandal while being ambassador in Holland.
Both Buga and Vierita were on Adrian Ungureanu’s list since March; according to diplomatic sources, if Vierita enjoyed the support, for Buga there had been discussions about another trajectory, which did not include the key assignment in USA.