Ioana Lupea: " An infernal machinery produces faults. Is the essential weapon in the panoply of the words war. It's not known who invented it or who, but we are seeing how it is working."
People and groups are blamed because they are supporting a politician, a party, a project or an ideea. It was manipulated by Traian Basescu against the liberals, who must have felt guilty for their option during the "oil-liberal" offensive. It turned against the head of state with devastating effect.
If Traian Basescu would arrange a support march of a project from which the society will benefit, it would probably attract a handful of people without the PDL buses. Has the president lost his magnetism? Everything is possible. In any case, it has become shameful to show yourself in public with the "brawler", "the alliance breaker" or the "dictator" Basescu, no matter who you are - party, supporter or militant. If you assume the risk, you are marked with the red iron. "The citizen solidary banned with Traian Basescu" has renounced.
The guilt machine has isolated the head of state form his supported from the civil society, insulted just because they have associated themselves with him, at a certain point. From the rest he has isolated himself through the unproved accusations of immorality made to his allies and rivals. If the court trials would have confirmed the presidential verdicts, they wouldn't have been presented today as proofs of his destructive character. At least a sentence and the anti corruption would not have gained the name of political quarrel. And the president would have been politically frequentable.
The power of example: the guilt machine targeted at first "Basescu's intellectuals". For sustaining that the referendum for the banning of the President is an error, Gabriel Liiceanu was forced to prove in court that he didn't plagiarized Heidegger. The newspapers were ranked as "officious" and the opinion, even the spontaneous one, autonomous and argumented, was classed as "praise". What is allowed for the supporters of Basescu's rivals became improbable for the rest. To swear Traian Basescu is fashionable. The head of state can't be just a "brawler", "alliance breaker" or "dictator". It's better to shut up than admit that he was right at a certain point.
It is said that nobody can make you feel guilty, if you don't feel it yourself. The guilt machine intimidates with names and nicknames. The cunning thing is to label the labels, says Sartori. "Groups of interests", "oligarchs", "oil-liberals", "old hitch", "big head lawyer", "Lukashenko", "Patapievici impostor", "trumpets". Has the force to entrust you, in the end, that you are wrong, that all are the same, that they don't deserve anything. The lone opinion, different from the majority expressed in the public space, is equivalent with solitude. To declare yourself today solidary with Traian Basescu in a punctual and legitimate matter is exposing you to insults, to exile. After the execution, in the tribal societies, isolation was the worst punishment for disobedience.
On the battlefield, Traian Basescu's rivals have regained the key-words. The guilt machine is a two blade weapon.