EVZ EDITORIAL: Now, Nastase has a gun! More exactly, 32 of them
- Adam Popescu
- 9 septembrie 2008, 03:00
Mircea Marian: "All this (pseudo-) elite from the PCR nomenclature and from the area of dubious business since 1989 wants, now, to have fun in the sacrosanct area of the natural reservations".
I understand, finally, why Adrian Nastase wanted to escape prosecution: he was rushing to recover the 32 firearms, valued at nearly half a million euros, which were seized from him in 2006, after start of the research in the dossier "Zambaccian".
Nastase has all reasons to press ahead: soon he will be able to hunt (legally) in the Danube Delta or the Retezat Park. At the pressure of many politicians and leading businessmen from the General Association of Sportive Hunters and Fishermen (AGVPS), the parliament is to vote in those days one of the most scandalous law, through which wild animals will no longer be protected even in the natural reservations. The Ministry of Environment and several dozens of ONGs are opposing the massacre which will follow, but the parliament is full of blood thirsty shooters. Who believes that the term is too pathetic should remember the 23 wild bores shot by Nastase in a single day in January 2005 on a hunting field of Ion Ţiriac. Now, after a period of over two year in which he was not allowed to own firearms, how many animals do you any believe Nastase will kill at his first exit in the wild?
The AGVPS leadership is full of influential parliamentarians, who are eager to start killing among the reserves of protected species: Attila Kelemen, deputy UDMR, Filip Georgescu, deputy PSD, Florin Iordache, deputy PSD, Ilie Sarbu, senator PSD or Ghiorghioni Ionesie, deputy PDL. The association is headed, in fact, by Neculai Şelaru, Adrian Nastase's friend, while the chairman, Mugur Isărescu, seems to be happy in his favorite role of straw man.
Would deserve to see how the hunting has become one of the privilege of the enriched after 1989. Those who took the power from Ceausescu have taken his and chalets, and hunting territories also. The legend says that one of the favorite rifles of former dictator, received as a gift from the Queen of England, would have ended up, it seems, to Adrian Nastase. Expensive weapons have become a way to show your wealth. A Holland & Holland costs a few tens of thousand pounds, and Nastase has no fewer than three. The comrades from the association in which you have registered may say something about the relationship you have. The BNR Governor, Mugur Isărescu, for example, is part of the association "Diana"-Bucharest, where is also present the businessman Alexandru Bittner, and former director of SRI Radu Timofte, Silvian Ionescu, the leader of PDL and former security officer, or the Police high officer Pavel Abraham.
All this (pseudo-) elite from the PCR nomenclature and from the area of dubious business since 1989 wants, now, to have fun in the sacrosanct area of the natural reservations. It is simply about the desire to show that their money and influence, can afford anything. I do not think that they will be stopped.
As for his hot desire of Nastase tu hold, again, a rifle, to try a little cheap psychology: what say to you a man who has no courage to respond before the judges, but is passionate to kill innocent deers?