EVZ EDITORIAL: More trivial than theft and crime

EVZ EDITORIAL: More trivial than theft and crime

Ioana Lupea: "The PSD reform has ended: Ana Birchall has withdrawn her application for a place in the Romanian Parliament."

The former adviser to Mircea Geoana was declared morally unfit for deputation and forced to take a step back, following the publication of an erotic movie whose protagonist she is assumed to be. Mircea Geoana has no restraint to show himself along with the real men of the party, central and local barons who have brought PSD the fame of corrupt party. Or with the great man of state Ion Iliescu, the instigator of the bloody mineriads form after 1990. Sex in the car is compromising for PSD, especially when practiced by women, theft and murder, is not.

The image of a sexual act is, in the moral code of PSD, more trivial than the list of goods that family Adrian and Dana Nastase brought from China at the expense of a political client, installed and maintained in public office as a reward. The alleged bribe in wigs, appliances for cutting eggs, toilet vases, swimming pools, stone pagodas, carpets of silk and garden midgets does not harm PSD, since the former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase stood near Mircea Geoana at the launching of candidates, even on the place formerly occupied by the dedicated adviser Ana Birchall. More saucy than the favors in construction materials which Miron Mitrea would have received when he was minister of transport, according to documents from DNA, rather than the political-economical combinations of Viorel Hrebenciuc, than the onerous business with houses and land of which Radu Mazare is suspected. More obscenă even than the victims of the mineriads of June 13-15 on the conscience of Ion Iliescu.

No, the only problem of image of the PSD is Ana Birchall, who, unlike her male colleagues accused of official corruption, does not benefit from the presumption of innocence. She was punished without mercy, although legally, she is a victim. But, as it usually happens in Romania, victims are guilty, bullies become famous and receive congratulations. Almost nobody from PSD has not joined the young politician, with the notable exception of the European Parliamentarian PSD Gabriela Cretu on her personal blog. I have not heard any social democrat, woman or man, charging, in the case Birchall, the violation of constitutional rights or the public speech, full of hatred against women in politics. Instead, the party raised a wall around the former dignitaries Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea when the DNA required the opinion of the parliament for the prosecution. The two have received the best defense that could be offered by the party: the blocking of the entire system of justice. Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea are the adored heroes of the party.

The balance of the reform in PSD under Mircea Geoana is positive: Ion Iliescu has waived the application of voluntarily, Vasile Dancu renounced because of his anger with Mircea Geoana, and Ana Birchall because she had sex in a car.

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