Viorel Hrebenciuc has taken the political combinations to the highest rank.
Premeditated or not, he got into possession of a weapon through which he is trying to get in front of his biggest enemy, Traian Basescu.
It is about the relationship between Hrebenciuc’s son, Andrei, and Basescu’s daughter, Elena. Hrebenciuc speculates this love story in personal interest in a real campaign of political marketing.
The president’s reaction came two days ago in a show at Realitatea TV. Visibly irritated, the head of state said: “it would be impossible for me to become his relative, not even by alliance with a person for which I despise”.
The most important advantage that Hrebenciuc has at this time is that at anytime he can answer to Basescu with a detail of the story which unites them, telling him on a familiat tone that the political reality is not as serious as the president sees it.