Romanians see the other Europeans as avaricious, arrogant and cold
- Adam Popescu
- 22 mai 2007, 03:00
Romanians consider themselves as traditionalists, talkative, tensed, smart, friendly and competent, as shown by a study published by the Agency for Government Strategies.
The study was made using 1.104 subjects over 17 years in 98 towns, including Bucharest. Most of them think that being Romanian is something to be proud of.
One third of those interviewed who have also travelled abroad, have met situations where they felt ashamed to be Romanians. Over 85% of them have indicated corruption as a problem, and almost half of those interviewed said that Romania is not a politically stabile country. Romanians also believe that states which should serve as models are Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain, seen as countries with a highly developed economy, high standards of life and culture.
On the other hand, countries seen not so well are Bulgaria, Albania, and the Republic of Moldavia, countries where the Romanians see poverty, political instability and under-developed economy.