7% financial growth in 2008

7% financial growth in 2008

Romania can record this year an even larger financial growth than in 2007.

The financial growth is conditioned by a normal agricultural year. If, in 2007 our economy recorded an advance of 6%, the growth for 2008 could exceed 7%, according to BCR optimistical estimations.

"At the basis of these evaluations stands the positive evolution of net taxes on products and services collected to the State budget, the constant high level of constructions, the developing of the industry and a normal agricultural year", states a BCR analysis. According to the document, the financial growth from January to March could be the highest of the year.

Weather conditions could influence the financial growth of 2008 more than the fluctuations on the international markets, added the BCR specialists.

For this year, BCR's macroeconomical prognosis show a 6.1% growth of Romania's PIB, and for 2009 a 6% growth.

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