EVENIMENT. CAP, GMP, Graffiti BBDO, Headvertising, Leo Burnett & Target, McCann Erickson, Next Advertising, Odyssey, Papaya Advertising, Propaganda sunt premianţii ediţiei 2010.
Aseară, la Opera Română, s-a desfăşurat Gala de premiere Effie 2010, unul dintre cele mai importante momente din mediul advertising românesc, sub licenţa AMA New York. Ce-a de-a şaptea ediţie Effie şi-a desemnat câştigătorii, gazde fiind, ca în fiecare an, International Advertising Association (IAA) şi Uniunea Agenţiilor de Publicitate din România (UAPR). Pentru câştigătorii trofeelor Gold, nominalizările pentru Grand Effie au fost: Timişoreana – The Story Goes On (GMP), Napolact – Reason to Rest (Propaganda), Herbal Essences – House of Fun (Leo Burnett & Target) şi BRD – Groupe Société Générale – Great people Behind Great People (Propaganda). Două trofee de căciulă Printre cele mai premiate agenţii în competiţia Effie Awards 2010 se află Graffiti BBDO, cu următoarele premii: Bronz pentru Dacia – Unbeatable Price (categoria Durables), Sadu – Country Food (Food Products I), Romtelecom Dolce – Share Dolce (Media & Entertainment) şi Silver pentru React – A Chance for Life (Non-Profit Pro-Bono / Public Service, Social Campaigns). Următoarele agenţii ca număr de trofee sunt: Propaganda cu 3 trofee Gold: Napolact – Reason to Rest (Food Products I), Napolact - As it Used to be (Sustained Success), BRD – Groupe Société Générale – Great people Behind Great People(Corporate Reputation, Image & Identity) si GMP, Leo Burnett & Target, McCann Erickson, Next Advertising si Papaya Advertising, fiecare cu câte 2 trofee. CAP, Headvertising si Odyssey Communication au câştigat fiecare câte un trofeu în competiţia Effie 2010. „Lucrările câştigătoare dezvăluie o gândire de marketing inteligentă şi sunt o dovadă puternică a succesului. Într-un climat economic dificil, e deosebit de important ca focusul să fie asupra mecanismelor care funcţionează cu adevărat. Şi cred că la această ediţie Effie găsim destul de multe dovezi ale acestor mecanisme”, a declarat James Miller, preşedintele juriului Effie 2010. Lista câştigătorilor Category: FOOD PRODUCTS IBRONZE Campaign title: The Taste of Great MemoriesBrand: Maggi Secretul Gustului IntensavorSubmitted by: BV McCann Erickson BRONZE Campaign title: Country FoodBrand: Sadu Submitted by: Graffiti BBDO Category: FOOD PRODUCTS ISILVER NO WINNER Category: FOOD PRODUCTS IGOLD Campaign title: Reason to RestBrand: NapolactSubmitted by: Propaganda Category: FOOD PRODUCTS IINOMINEE Campaign title: Dare! Brand: Joe Submitted by: Scala JWT Category: FOOD PRODUCTS IIBRONZE NO WINNER Category: FOOD PRODUCTS IISILVER NO WINNER Category: FOOD PRODUCTS IIGOLD NO WINNER Category: NON-PROFIT PRO BONO/PUBLIC SERVICE, SOCIAL CAMPAIGNS BRONZECampaign title: Cherish Knowledge Brand: Fundatia Dinu Patriciu Submitted by: Odyssey Communication Category: NON-PROFIT PRO BONO/PUBLIC SERVICE, SOCIAL CAMPAIGNS SILVERCampaign title: A Chance for Life Brand: React Submitted by: Graffiti BBDO Category: NON-PROFIT PRO BONO/PUBLIC SERVICE, SOCIAL CAMPAIGNS GOLDNO WINNER Category: MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT BRONZECampaign title: Share Dolce Brand: Romtelecom Dolce Submitted by: Graffiti BBDO Category: MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT SILVERNO WINNER Category: MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT GOLDNO WINNER Category: DURABLES NOMINEECampaign title: No Matter What Guarantee Brand: Toshiba Submitted by: BV McCann Erickson Category: DURABLES BRONZECampaign title: Unbeatable Price Brand: Dacia Submitted by: Graffiti BBDO Category: DURABLES SILVER NO WINNER Category: DURABLES GOLD NO WINNER Category: CORPORATE REPUTATION, IMAGE & IDENTITY NOMINEECampaign title:Money School Brand: BCR Submitted by: Tempo Advertising Category: CORPORATE REPUTATION, IMAGE & IDENTITY BRONZENO WINNER Category: CORPORATE REPUTATION, IMAGE & IDENTITY SILVERCampaign title: Common Sense and Responsibility Brand: Petrom Submitted by: Leo Burnett & Target Category: CORPORATE REPUTATION, IMAGE & IDENTITY GOLDCampaign title: Great People behind Great People Brand: BRD-Groupe Société Générale Submitted by: Propaganda Category: NON FOOD PRODUCTSNOMINEE Campaign title: A Fuel Tank Every 15 Minutes Brand: Petrom Submitted by: Leo Burnett & Target Category: NON FOOD PRODUCTS BRONZE NO WINNER Category: NON FOOD PRODUCTSSILVER Campaign title: Aspargilius - Bathroom and Kitchen Brand: Savana Teflon Submitted by: Papaya Advertising Category: NON FOOD PRODUCTS GOLD Campaign title: House of Fun Brand: Herbal Essences Submitted by: Leo Burnett & Target Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: INTERNET AND DATANOMINEE Campaign title: ClickNet Job Brand: Romtelecom ClickNet Submitted by: Graffiti BBDO Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: INTERNET AND DATABRONZE NO WINNER Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: INTERNET AND DATASILVER NO WINNER Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: INTERNET AND DATAGOLD NO WINNER Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: VOICE OFFERSNOMINEE Campaign title: Coverage Brand: Cosmote Submitted by: Ogilvy & Mather Romania Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: VOICE OFFERS BRONZENO WINNER Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: VOICE OFFERS SILVER NO WINNER Category: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: VOICE OFFERSGOLD NO WINNER Category: NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES NOMINEE Campaign title: Fanta Shokata re-launch: Shockingly Romanian Brand: Fanta Submitted by: BV McCann Erickson NOMINEE Campaign title: Happy Coffee Brand: Nescafé Submitted by: Mercury 360 Category: NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESBRONZE NO WINNER Category: NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESSILVER NO WINNER Category: NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES GOLD NO WINNER Category: DAVID VS GOLIATH NOMINEE Campaign title: The Muller World Brand: Muller Submitted by: Graffiti BBDO NOMINEE Campaign title: Aspargilius - Bathroom and Kitchen Brand: Savana Teflon Submitted by: Papaya Advertising Category: DAVID VS GOLIATHBRONZE NO WINNER Category: DAVID VS GOLIATH SILVERNO WINNER Category: DAVID VS GOLIATHGOLD NO WINNER Category: FINANCIAL SERVICESNOMINEE Campaign title: Twice a Winner Brand: Alpha Bank Submitted by: DDB Bucharest Category: FINANCIAL SERVICESBRONZE Campaign title: Bumper Cars Reloaded Brand: UniCredit Tiriac Bank Submitted by: Headvertising Category: FINANCIAL SERVICESSILVER Campaign title: 6 Horses Brand: Banca Transilvania Submitted by: Next Advertising SILVER Campaign title: Meeting Your Interest Brand: CEC Bank Submitted by: Papaya Advertising Category: FINANCIAL SERVICESGOLD NO WINNER Category: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: BEERS AND WINES BRONZECampaign title: "1 Million RON" Bottle Brand: Murfatlar Submitted by: Next Advertising & CAP Category: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: BEERS AND WINES SILVERNO WINNER Category: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: BEERS AND WINES GOLDCampaign title: The Story Goes On Brand: Timisoreana Submitted by: GMP Advertising Category: SUSTAINED SUCCES BRONZE Campaign title: Cooking With All Your Heart Brand: Maggi Submitted by: BV McCann Erickson Category: SUSTAINED SUCCESSILVER NO WINNER Category: SUSTAINED SUCCES GOLDCampaign title: As it used to be Brand: Napolact Submitted by: Propaganda GRAND EFFIE NOMINEESCampaign title: The Story Goes On Brand: Timisoreana Submitted by: GMP Advertising Campaign title: House of Fun Brand: Herbal Essences Submitted by: Leo Burnett Romania Campaign title: Great People behind Great People Brand: BRD-Groupe Société Générale Submitted by: Propaganda Campaign title: Reason to Rest Brand: Napolact Submitted by: Propaganda GRAND EFFIE Campaign title: The Story Goes On Brand: Timisoreana Submitted by: GMP Advertising