Real estate index, in three years

Real estate index, in three years

The real prices of the real estate transactions were, for years, some of the best guarded secrets.

Even if they could of done it a long time ago, the Romanian officials wanted to bring some light on the market only after the wave of endearments that reached alarming rates, writes "Capital" magazine, in this week edition. The National Union of Romanian Notaries (UNNPR) announced recently that they started the disscusions with BNR for the realisation of a real estate index that will show the real prices on the real estate market.

The National Agency for survey and Real Estate Advertising announced that it has a project for a more transparent real estate transactions. "Until the publication of the first public statistics will pass some years though, even if more institutions could of gather and show the informations", writes "Capital" magazine.

UNPPR president, Dumitru Viorel Manescu, states that for the realisation of a statistics on the real estate transactions we will have to wait another three or four years. The only datas that are brought now to the public are the analists or the real estate agents prophecies. The editors of the economy magazine made a list with the local institutions that sleep on informations about real estate transactions. More details in this week's "Capital" magazine.

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