The president says that the initiative of buying the planes worth over 300 million dollars belongs to the government.
After the attacks of PNL and PSD which have siphoned Basescu’s image in front of the pensioners, the president says that the initiative of buying the two special planes worth over 300 million dollars belongs to the government.
As an argument, the Cotroceni Palace took out of a drawer Romavia’s plan of buying some special planes, signed by Calin Popescu Tariceanu before the CST meeting in June 28.
According to some addresses, the document for buying new planes by 2016 was given to CSAT on May 11, when Basescu was suspended.
The president criticizes the way in which PNL leaders proposed and sustained at CSAT the buying of new planes, only to use the theme afterwards for unjustified political attacks against the president.