Covid-19: zece milioane de măști, donate New York-ului de un star NBA

--FILE--Stephon Marbury of Beijing Ducks dribbles in a 22nd round match against Bayi Rockets during the 2016/2017 CBA season in Ningbo city, east China's Zhejiang province, 28 December 2016. Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) league's Beijing Ducks announced to terminate the contract with 40-year-old former NBA player Stephon Marbury here on Saturday (22 April 2017) due to the dispute of the latter's role and salary in the next season. Xie Haitian, vice manager of the club told the press conference that Marbury is under a two-year contact which rules that the club have the right to choose whether Marbury serve as a player or an assistant coach in the 2017-18 season. According to the club, Marbury turned down the offer to hire him as an assistant coach, insisting to play for another year. After a few rounds of negotiation, the two sides disagreed with the salary to hire Marbury as a player coach before Beijing made the announcement to terminate the contract before the 2017-18 season. (Newscom TagID: ichphotos172801.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]

Stephon Marbury, fost star al NBA, a bătut palma cu un fabricant chinez de măşti de protecţie, urmând să doneze 10 milioane de bucăți oraşului New York, grav afectat de pandemia de coronavirus.

„Eu sunt din Brooklyn şi mă bucur că pot ajuta New York-ul. Am multe rude afectate de pandemia de coronavirus, așa că știu cât de importante sunt măştile în această perioadă", a declarat Marbury, actualul antrenor al echipei Royal Fighters din Beijing.

Acordul încheiat de Marbury va permite furnizarea de măşti personalului sanitar din spitalele oraşului New York.

Stephon Marbury a afirmat că a obţinut un preţ rezonabil pentru măştile respective. Potrivit New York Post, costul fiecărei bucati se ridică la 2,75 dolari (circa 2,5 euro), în fiecare săptămână urmând să fie livrate 2 milioane de măşti, pentru o perioadă de cinci săptămâni.