Mortgage credits: more relaxed, but not completely

Mortgage credits: more relaxed, but not completely

In the first three months was payed a 28% average advance, more than was stipulated in the standards.

The banks granted mortgage credits more easily in the first trimester of this year, but not as much that was permitted by the own crediting standards. The causes can be put on the risk policies practiced by the banks, on the population's limited incomes in report with the acquisition prices of the homes, and of the personal contributions of those who lend money in order to buy real estate properties.

According to a study made by the National Bank of Romania (BNR), among the first ten banks from the system, the relaxation poles were a smaller coverage of a guarantees loans - meaning mortgaging with a lower advances, and the increase of the debt percent in the available income of those who are requesting the loans. The effects of the BNR standards

The contracted mortgaging credits in the first three months of the year had a medium advance of 28%, reveals the BNR study. Even if Romanians attended eagerly the relaxed credits, low incomes made it difficult for them to obtain larger financings or they were already in the possession of large sums of money in the moment when the mortgagor was appealed. According to the standards of the ten banks, the medium permitted advance was lower, of only 12%.

The relaxation effect becomes visible when the attention moves from the mortgages granted in the first three months of the year to the entire loans portfolio of this kind of the banks. At this level, the advance payed by those who bought homes installments is even larger, of 31%. In the conditions in which personal standards started to be applied by banks in the spring of 2007.

Medium debt: 53% The medium debt rate recorded at the mortgaging credits granted in the first trimester was of 53%. In the conditions in which the crediting standards of the first ten banks permitted a higher medium debt rate, of 61%. On the entire credit portfolio, the maximum rate of debt of the bank's customers with mortgaging installments is off 47%.

This figure is influenced by the debt rates practiced before the appearance of the new generation credits. Standards imposed by BNR previously to the current ones were permitting a maximum debt rate at the mortgaging credits of maximum 35%. To give larger credits, the banks found all sorts of back doors, like, for example, "transforming" a part of the credit cost into commissions.

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