Dacia, back to work

Dacia, back to work

The unionists from Dacia accepted yesterday a gross 300 lei wage raise, and not a 550 lei raise that was initially demanded. The union leaders will announce today, after disscusions with the workers, if they will accept the offer or not.

Yesterday, after three hours of negociations, Dacia's management and the srtiker's representatives reached an agreement. The unionists qualified as "reasonable" the management's proposition to raise the wages with 300 lei and to benefi from the profit, that will give the employees an extra 94 lei per month. Today, the union leaders will present the offer to the workers and will decide whether to stop the two weeks strike or not.

The workers initially asked for a 550 lei raise and refused repeatedly the 250 lei raise made by the management. If the current offer will not please them, the workers will go out in the street, for the second time since the begining of the protests. The rally could be held by 8.000 Dacia unionists and several hundreds from the National Unionist Block and other independent unions.

SUPPORT The French are raising money for the strikers

Dacia's union leaders made some concessions in the negociations with the management on the same day that Renault's unions from Normandy started to raise money to support the strike from Mioveni. Until lunch time they raised about 500 euro, according to "La Tribune", online edition. "By supporting our coleagues from Dacia we support ourselves, we are all blackmailed with relocation", said the union leader, Gilles Cazin. DOMINO EFFECT

Elba Timisoara closed the headlights factory

700.000 euro losses, a closed factory and 200 workers sent to tehnical unemployment. This is the situation at Elba Timisoara, Romania's most important producers of lighting devices, is caused by Dacia's prolonged strike. The company from Timisoara supplied Dacia Pitesti with headlights for the Logan models.

For every week strike at Dacia, Elba registered losses of 350.000 euro. "Dacia's strike has a terrible effect over us. We were forced to shut down a factory (Elba Timisoara is composed by three factories) and send home 200 employees", said, yesterday, the Elba Timisoara manager, Gheorghe Cocian.

Elba Timisoara has a 85 years tradition.

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