How the SRI- General Prossecutor's Office annihilated Catalin Voicu, PSD Senator who tried to block the election of Basescu in 2009 (XI)

How the SRI- General Prossecutor's Office annihilated Catalin Voicu, PSD Senator who tried to block the election of Basescu in 2009 (XI)

Kovesi-Coldea, the name of two very powerful people, who made two highly important institutions of Romania to work in unison, in what was called even in the official documents of SRI and DNA, the Institutional Binomial.

So that we do not leave the space for too many interpretations, it must be said clearly that the initial purpose of this cooperation, which exceeded or forced the existing legal framework, was to make things to go on behalf of the State. An extremely generous phrase, but which left a place for serious slippage.

The limits that might have been vague, became extremely remote considering that they managed to create a functional conglomerate Information Services -Public Ministry - Justice, full of "covered" journalists and kindly politicians.

The lack of institutional and democratic culture has made starting with 2010-2011 such institutions to emerge, with actions that no longer had the gift to serve the interests of the State, but were initiated in order to preserve the power and influence that these people had in society. The pinnacle was reached, in our opinion, in 2014, after which an institutional decadence began.

Incidentally, I was often struck by the similarity between the "fight" shout of Laura Codruta Kovesi-WE are the DNA, with the commitment of a high dignitary in front of a Romanian President, promising him a second term-We are the STATE.

Both reflect a mentality of some persons leading institutions of force of Romania, coming as I was saying from the absence of a serious democratic education.

At Oprea's place, with Kovesi and Coldea

The report related to the 2009 episode, the night of the 2nd tour of presidential elections, caused lots of sensation, when I recounted that at one time, about two hours before the closing of the polls, I received a call that gave me the result of the exit poll from CSOP, made for B1 TV: 50.4 to 49.6 for Traian Basescu.  Other broadcasters, Antena 3 and Realitatea TV, were to present Mircea Geoană as winner. But the official vote counting was 50.34 for Traian Basescu. Extremely close to the CSOP survey.

Then, on the night of December 6 2009, in the house of GABRIEL OPREA, independent deputy, I met with GEORGE MAIOR, head of the SRI, Gen. FLORIAN COLDEA, first Deputy, LAURA CODRUTA KOVESI, Romania's General Prosecutor, crammed into an office. In the house also were Neculai Ontanu, PUIU IORDĂNESCU and some other people.

I spent a few hours with them discussing the outcome of elections, about the strategy that would follow PSD, how it can be quenched part of the media, as Laura Codruta Kovesi expressed herself.

I related and I still affirm that I heard Kovesi twice answering the phone with "Yes, Sir, Mr. President", that Gen. Florian Coldea received on the phone information about votes, the whole discussion being in political context, dedicated to presidential elections.

From influence to involvement

Some of my colleagues, in those moments on the anti-Băsescu barricades raised by Sorin Ovidiu Vântu and Dan Voiculescu, saw in this story an evidence of election fraud, though I never claimed this. For some the trauma of losing elections in 2009 is still quite high and their reactions have attested it.

I argued, instead, that on the same evening three of the most influential people in the State, from the perspective of the system of force, were the actors of a political moment in which they were involved more than it was normal. I was reluctant to give a legal frame, because I wasn't a Prosecutor, but a participant in a particularly important event. Incidentally I found in Gabriel Oprea's office a prosecutor. And didn't seem at all to inquire the others...

I could say that the same night I got a sample of what I called the Operation "We are the State!” without understanding exactly its importance.

I said at the end of my report that I've left MAIOR, COLDEA, KOVESI with two problems to solve: the votes from the diaspora and the furious reaction of the PSD. About the latter, a source member of PSD constantly informed them.

Catalin Voicu and the presidential elections result

What happened that night at the PSD was extremely exciting for those who wished to secure the outcome of elections, respectively the group with which I've intersected in Oprea's house, but not only.

Because Mircea Geoana and those around him, especially the grouping VANGHELIE-HREBENCIUC-VOICU had no plan to lay down their weapons, being convinced that the electoral process has been fraud, in particular through the diaspora result.

PSD had sent in the diaspora, a group of former intelligence officers, coordinated by ex SIE Gen. Adrian Isac, who attempted to supervise the organization of elections. Only that the assessment made by them was not at all optimistic, the person named by LIVIU DRAGNEA to deal with the votes from the diaspora, being suspected to have betrayed Mircea Geoana.

Incidentally, as a member of the PSD crisis cell said, later the suspicions were pointed at MIRON MITREA, MARIAN OPRIȘAN, RADU MAZARE, as they registered in the counties they ruled weak results for Mircea Geaona.

The crisis cell from Kiseleff

 Back on the night of 6 to 7 December 2009.

At around 4-5 in the morning, the group gathered at the headquarters in Kiseleff was scattered home thinking that MIRCEA GEOANA lost the election to TRAIAN BASESCU.

Only that during the day, on December 7, just after the PSD group came back, which had no plan to surrender, was turned into a crisis cell which had a strategy, extremely daring, unprecedented. A chain of legal actions and in parallel being planned demonstrations of 100.000 people in Bucharest.

About these things, generally discussed as even in the night of December 6 2009, received information the people from SRI. They took it very seriously, especially since Senator Catalin Voicu PSD had a warrant on his name for wiretaps on national security since September.

As I said earlier, the information were provided not only from "hearings", but also a man close to the campaign staff of Mircea Geoana. Marian Vanghelie's lawyer, Cezar Bivolaru, is the one who together with PSD Senator Catalin Voicu have drafted and filed the legal actions.

What came next was a legal cavalcade.

December 8 2009, the Social Democratic Party has filed a petition for annulment and repeat of the presidential election, at the Constitutional Court, saying the election was rigged.

On December 11, PSD has submitted to the Bucharest Court of appeal an application requesting the suspension of the recording of proceedings registered by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) on the final results of presidential election. The Court determined that this application of PSD to be tried on January 5, 2010.

In another dossier, PSD has filed on December 10, at the contentious-administrative Department of the Bucharest Court of appeal, a request for preservation of evidence. The Social Democrats were requesting the preservation of evidence by the Ministry of administration and Internal, Permanent Electoral Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Electoral Bureau and Special Telecommunications Service. According to the law, such a request shall constitute an assurance of evidence for a possible lawsuit.

How was put an end to the adventure

On December 11, 2009, PSD Senator Catalin Voicu is caught in a real ambush, organized by DNA and taken to the headquarters of the institution where he receives the prohibition to contact many people, including those who could "solve" the litigation filed at the Court of appeal in Bucharest.

According to the information we have obtained, SRI suspected that Senator Catalin Voicu had in mind to contact some judges, that day, and to obtain the postponement of the validation of presidential election result.

Moreover, according to some sources from Justice, in the range 7-11 December 2009 there was an evening meeting at General's Attorney Office at which attended besides several individuals, Florian Coldea and Laura Codruta Kovesi, dedicated to the case Voicu. It was then decided that the information to be passed from the General Attorney to the DNA ".

Immediately after the "visit" to DNA, Senator Catalin Voicu called Mircea Geoana, Chairman of the PSD, and MITICA ILIESCU, a discrete character which was considered to be more influential than Ion Iliescu and Mircea Geoană all together.

Former head of SPP during the time of Ion Iliescu and national security adviser, Mitica Iliescu made a tandem with Senator Catalin Voicu continuously, regardless of the political status of PSD. The two, VOICU and ILIESCU, were renowned for their ties in the area of intelligence and justice.

Both have been in the crosshairs of SRI, but they say that SRI General Florian Coldea himself would have been extremely cautious in proposing an aggressive approach in the case of Mitica Iliescu, "being afraid of him," as a source from PSD told us.

In fact, at one point, in 2014, there was a search of four teams from DNA, interstratified with SRI Officers, at the headquarters and the home of Mitica Iliescu when he was out of the country, hoping that the Binomial SRI-DNA can seize compromising documents. But about that in another episode.

The end of this battle?

CCR, in the meeting from December 14 2009, unanimously rejected the application for annulment of the election in the second round of elections from December 6 2009 for the President of Romania, made by the Social Democratic Party and The Conservative Party.


SRI, regarding the parties from T14 and K2: "Multiple activities of institutional representation"

33 days after Evenimentul zilei has requested a point of view, according to law 544/2011, the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) sent us a point of view related to the objectives T14 and K2, where get-together and tennis parties were taking place, described in the first episode of the series of revelations "We are the State", which was attended by George Maior, former director of SRI, Florian Coldea, his former first Deputy, with Victor Ponta, Gabriel Oprea, Liviu Dragnea, Vasile Dîncu, Horia Georgescu, Eugen Bejinariu, Sebastian Ghita and Laura Codruta Kovesi, Chief Prosecutor of DNA. I asked if T14 was developed by Carpathian Aedificia and if at K2 Florian Coldea spent his birthdays and the parties were paid from their own money or from the SRI budget.

Here's the SRI answer to the questions formulated by EvZ virtue of the right to free information, delivered after 33 days:

"In institutional communication to the public, the Romanian intelligence service applies legal provisions on access to public information, contained in Act No. 544/2001. In this regard, SRI offers points of view on its role and place in the security architecture of Romania, but also referring to general items related to national security policy.

Regarding your request, we make the following specifications:

  • Both offices to which you refer (villas named K2 and T14) are military-like targets. They are in public ownership of the Romanian State and the administration of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
  • In the administration of our institution, the building called T14, had facilities with military character, including spaces intended for professional activities, required training, accommodation and physical training- exterior athletic fields.
  • With regard to the objective K2, we mention that in this location took place multiple representation activities at institutional level and had provided support for their implementation, the participants and the content of the meetings not being information of public interest. Money funds allocated to SRI were used according to institutional needs, while respecting their legal destination.
  • Promoting and implementing the investment objective has been made in compliance with legislation, namely Act No. 500/2002 concerning public finances, with the subsequent amendments and completions, H.G. No. 28/2008 and other normative acts in the field of investments.
  • For the objective T14, contracting execution work has been carried out in the year 2015, the contract being concluded on the basis of the provisions of O.U.G. No. 34/2006, with ulterior amendments and supplements, the assignment was made to the company which had the lowest price, respectively the Carpathian Aedificia S.A.
  • Mr. Lieutenant General Florian Coldea is a reservist military man in the Romanian intelligence service. Currently, he collaborates, under legal provisions, with the National Intelligence Academy "Mihai Viteazul" in various training programs ".




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