HOW WAS KOVESI ACQUITTED OF REVOCATION. The link between the Toader and SRI Gen. Dumbrava, creator of „Tactical Field from Justice”. (VII)

HOW WAS KOVESI ACQUITTED OF REVOCATION. The link between the Toader and SRI Gen. Dumbrava, creator of „Tactical Field from Justice”. (VII)

Kovesi at the head of DNA and Coldea, first Deputy at SRI, was the essence of the successful recipe of Operation "We are the State!” It is true that this has crystallized in the latter part of Traian Basescu's second warrant and that until then, SRI Director George Maior, had played an important role by approaching notable politicians. George Maior becomes in 2008 the wedding godfather of Victor Ponta and Daciana Sârbu and he also was the godson of Ioan Rus. The group from Cluj-Ioan Rus, Vasile Dâncu, Vasile Pușcaș, the friendship or affinity with Gabriel Oprea, Victor Ponta, Ilie Sârbu, being the beneficiary of Traian Bsescu's trust. George Maior proved to be an extremely potent politician, who knew how to put people together in hard to manage situations.

In the present article you can find explanation to some gestures made in recent days, but have the roots 10 years ago.

I'm going to take over some of the disclosures made by now in order to have an overview of what I wrote so far.

Dan Nica's birthday in 2005, the first sign of closeness SRI-Justice

Such moment occurred in one of the protocol villas from Blvd. Mircea Eliade, former Primaverii in 2009. In July 2009 the party thrown by a Deputy Prime Minister in Boc Government 1,  was the birthday of Minister of Internal, Dan Nica, and invited to this private event were only tops of the State.

Among these are three extremely interesting figures: George Maior, head of SRI, Laura Codruța Kovesi, General Prosecutor of Romania and Marius Iacob, Chief Procurator of the General Prosecutors Office. Beside them, at that meeting, there were present Emil Boc, Prime Minister Mircea Geoana, Senate Chairman, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Marian Vanghelie, Ilie Sârbu, Adrian Videanu, Victor Ponta.

One of the participants told us the next episode: "I was in a group of people around Maior and Kovesi. At one point, I heard her saying: You didn't enjoy the solution that I gave? It was a response to a reproach made in joke, by Ilie Sârbu, if I recall well, who was telling her that she takes Basescu's orders to seriously. What was the solution they were talking about? Stopping the criminal pursuit for Ion Iliescu in the Revolution dossier”.

An innocent conversation which provides us with an important clue to elucidate one of the mysteries of Justice, fully discussed in a previous episode.

By the resolution in April 4th 2009, the Attorney General's Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Laura Codruta Kovesi, acknowledged as well-founded the complaints formulated by Ion Iliescu and Teodor Brateș against resolution No. 97/P/1990 from December 7th 2004 of the Military Prosecutor's Department and ordered the end of the criminal pursuit in relation to Ion Iliescu and other defendants.

A decision in spite of the will of President Traian Basescu who called for urgent research, but which had the support of some high officials from Intelligence Service and the Army.

At that point, George Maior had a lot of influence in the relation with the Attorney General, and the favor that has made the former President of Romania would weigh heavily in his influence in PSD.

Year 2007, watershed moment in Florian Coldea's career

In June 2007, the new first Deputy Florian Coldea was on the verge to be kicked out. Mircea Geoană presented some notes that proved that the SRI was involved in actions of political police. The notes produced by Florian Coldea contained data about the existence of security folders with the names of three Constitutional Court judges (Aspazia Cojocaru, Nicolae Cochinescu, and Ion Predescu). He claimed that the SRI makes political police at the command of Traian Basescu.

The leadership of the Parliamentary Committee of SRI control prepared an initial report that has been rough with a series of radical proposals: the dismissal of the Prime Deputy Director of SRI, Florian Coldea, ratifying the heads of internal security and legal.

In the end, however, surprise: "we don't appreciate that the SRI makes political police at this point, but if repeated this risk would exists," said SRI Comity Chairman, Radu Stroe (PNL). "It is not our competence to propose dismissals. It was a security incident”, also declared PSD Deputy Gabriel Oprea.

Who saved Florian Coldea? Gabriel Oprea, at the request of George Maior, turned to his life time friend, Radu Stroe, Chairman SRI.  Gabriel Oprea has managed to turn the Commission's decision, to save the skin and career of Florian Coldea. In this moment we can say that the relationship Maior-Oprea-Coldea was cemented.

Year 2009-naming the Minister of Internal, a tough confrontation inside the PSD

The circumstances of naming the new Internal Minister on behalf of the PSD were extremely turbulent, being a tough competition between Gabriel Oprea and Cătălin Voicu. The first was preferred by some of the PSD leaders thanks to his friendship with George Maior, head of the SRI, and whit ties with the Transylvanian group Rus-Dîncu-Pușcaș, and Catalin Voicu was representing Viorel Hrebenciuc and Marian Vanghelie. The score in the Executive Committee of PSD was 32 to 28 in favor of Gabriel Oprea, supported heavily by those above mentioned, plus Miron Mitrea.

It was an effort of the institutions of the State to keep as an important information service to reach the hand of Mircea Geoana, it all happened under the patronage of Traian Basescu.

Only that the nomination as quaestor of Virgil Ardelean by Gabriel Oprea started a storm in the party. Mircea Geoana, who had been advised by Oprea that Ardeleanu was going to be proposed, has forced the exclusion of Gabriel Oprea from PSD. He obtained it, the only ones who abstained being Victor Ponta and Ilie Sârbu, people close to George Maior and Cluj group. It was a signal directly addressed to Mircea Geoană that they did not plan to attend quietly to the execution of Oprea.

After this conflict, in 2009, Gabriel Oprea has gone only supported by a handful of people in the intelligence in the adventure that would lead to UNPR, a party whose Genesis was not at all foreign to Major-Coldea-Kovesi.

Since May 2010, with the establishment of UNPR, we can say that the group has formally entered the politics.

2010 tennis parties cemented the relationship between politicians and SRI.

The passion for tennis of some politicians became the main bond for some ties that would exceed the tense political moments.

The "golden" team during the peak of the two mandates of Traian Basescu consisted of George Maior, Florian Coldea, Gabriel Oprea, Victor Ponta, Liviu Dragnea, Vasile Dâncu. All were to have important functions in the State.

Tennis parties took place in several known locations: ●

  • Dinu Pescariu basis
  • The general's Lido
  • SRI tennis courts from T14

Victor Ponta (Prime Minister) and Liviu Dragnea (PSD Secretary General and future Minister) were playing tennis with George Maior and Florian Coldea, accompanied by the Gabriel Oprea and Vasile Dâncu. The locations where they met were at the Generals Lido and SRI Villa T14 from Privighetorilor Alley. These meetings began 2010 and continued until 2014. Generally took place every Tuesday and Thursday of each week, depending on the participants’ schedule, the component being modified. But it is important to understand that in the two locations, particularly at Villa SRI T14, anyone without approval could not enter.

Victor Ponta and Liviu Dragnea were playing tennis in other places also, the basis of Dinu Pescariu, were they had as partners the former tennis player, Eugen Bejinariu (PSD deputy), George Cosac, Horia Georgescu (Chairman ANI), Vlad Stoica (head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister).

Florian Coldea's birthday-the first sign that the binomial works without a problem

The list of persons who participated at the birthday of Prime Deputy Director of SRI Florian Coldea from K2 in the year 2013 is relevant because, as in the case of Dan Nica, helps us understand much better the relations inside the State.

  • George Maior – SRI director;
  • Victor Ponta - Prim-Minister;
  • Gabriel Oprea - Deputy Prime Minister, former Minister of Defense,  future of Internal;
  • Liviu Dragnea – Deputy Prim-Minister;
  • Robert Cazanciuc – Minister of Justice;
  • Horia Georgescu – President of ANI;
  • Vasile Blaga
  • Ilie Sârbu – PSD senator, Ponta’s father in law;
  • Teodor Meleșcanu - Director of SIE;
  • Gen-major Marian Hăpău – Director of DGIA;
  • Ilie Botoș – Counselor of the Defense Minister
  • Livia Stanciu -President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice;
  • Laura Codruța Kovesi – Chief prosecutor of DNA;
  • Horia Valentin Șelaru – Former prosecutor, now judge at ICCJ;
  • Lia Palade – Chief prosecutor at PCA Bucharest;
  • Bogdan Licu -  First Deputy Prosecutor-General;
  • Oana Hăineală - prosecutor, member of CSM;
  • Codruț Olaru - DIICOT;
  • Petre Tobă - questor, Chief of Romanian Police, future Minister of Internal;
  • Lucian Pahonțu – SPP chief;
  • Gen SRI Dumitru Dumbravă -. the man who was responsible for tactical field from Justice
  • Mihaela Nicola - PR specialist;
  • Vasile Dîncu - sociologist, friend with most of the above

An example of a political operation: 2013, Liviu Dragnea is the ACE from Basescu's sleeve

It has been commented a lot about the role Liviu Dragnea played in elaborating the Cohabitation Pact between Prime Minister Victor Ponta and President Traian Basescu. In reality, Liviu Dragnea is the one who convinced Crin Antonescu to come at Cotroceni palace. The PNL leader had no plan to attend what is considered an abdication of USL to Basescu. For 2 hours, Liviu Dragnea, at Antonescu's place, insisted on him being present. In the end he was convinced.

How was Victor Ponta convinced to negotiate with Traian Basescu? As he acknowledged in public, Traian Basescu sent a clear message to USL leaders: if you sign the Cohabitation Pact I accept the proposal for Prime Minister from USL, if not, I will recognize the outcome of the elections and I will make a proposal for Prime Minister who would be part of this Alliance.

The hidden message from Traian Basescu to Victor Ponta was: If you do not sign, I choose a different Prime Minister. That person was Liviu Dragnea.

2017-How did Laura Codruta Kovesi escaped being revoked.

Why wasn't Laura Codruta Kovesi revoked from the head of DNA? This is the main question that marked yesterday's report of the Minister of Justice in the case of the assessment of Romania's General Prosecutor, Augustin Lazar, and the Chief Prosecutor of DNA, Laura Codruta Kovesi. In spite of the fact that the report was full of highlights about breaking the Constitution. A photo from 2011, made public by journalist Sorina Matei, can explain this. The photo is dated by Sorina Matei in 2011, which takes us to the support of the doctoral thesis at the West University of Timisoara, and here I refer to the first photo.

The guidance commission for the doctoral theses of Laura Codruta Kovesi was formed by Viorel Pașca (Coordinator of the Doctoral School in Timișoara), Professor Dr. Tudorel Toader, the current Minister of Justice, Professor Univ. Ovidiu Predescu and Professor Motica from Timișoara.

The current Minister of Justice was mentor for Kovesi's PhD. Will remain memorable the press conference where he said that the DNA has assumed illegal competences regarding the inquiry of OUG 13, where he criticized the anti-democratic actions of the institution led by Laura Kovesi, but that, in this moment, it is not appropriate to trigger the institutional mechanism for the revocation of the Attorney general's Office of the High Court of Cessation and Justice and the Chief Prosecutor of DNA. 

What are the intimate resorts of this decision?


Between the two was cemented a relationship that later evolved in a close collaboration. A close enough collaboration, since the time he was judge at the Constitutional Court, in such a way as to get Tudorel Toader to overlook violations of the Constitution by the head of DNA.

As an important element in yesterday's decision of the Minister of Justice should also be added the influence that the retired Gen. Florian Coldea still has. The one who was a part and managed the Operation "We are the State!” 


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