
DOCUMENT - The proof that the protocol between the Prosecutor’s Office and the RIS existed

DOCUMENT - The proof that the protocol between the Prosecutor’s Office and the RIS existed

Amazing discovery of the National Anticorruption Directorate and the Romanian Intelligence Service to the forefront. Although Laura Codruţa Kovesi denied, the GPO-SRI protocol existed. There is a document in this...

WE CAUGHT KOVESI - Here is the proof the protocol PICCJ - RIS existed!

WE CAUGHT KOVESI - Here is the proof the protocol PICCJ - RIS existed!

It has the number 003064 of 04.02.2009 and has been signed when Laura Kovesi was General Prosecutor. In its base, DNA and IRS have legally instrumented, in partnership, criminal cases....

Operation “WE ARE THE STATE!” (II). The tennis matches on a high level, a mixture of politicians, businessmen and intelligence officers

Operation “WE ARE THE STATE!” (II). The tennis matches on a high level, a mixture of politicians, businessmen and intelligence officers

I have mentioned that I was not present to any of the tennis matches of those involved, as well as I was not invited to the birthdays of Florian Coldea,...