Romania, Eyed By Foreign Investors

Romania, Eyed By Foreign Investors

As Romania became a full rights member of the European Union, foreign investors are more and more attracted by the opportunities of Romanian markets.

Romania will gain  more  capital as direct foreign investment  in the following two years rises up to an average of  EUR5.3 billion, according to Fabio Mucci, economist within the UniCredit’s   Office for Central and Easter European research.

IN 2007, the direct volume of investments will be lower compared to 2006’s EUR8.7 billion, but still large.

UniCredit’s head economist for Central and East -European branch, Debora Revoltella , said  that one of the  major factors for the large amount of direct foreign investments is the well educated and relatively cheap labor force.   EVZ: What are the main factors that draw central and East- European investors in Romania ?

Debora Revoltella: First of all, the quality of the labor force, that in Romania is quite educated. Labor force is one of the most important factors that drives Investors here.

The privatization process is mostly finished. Certainly, we see a very high wave of direct investments for Romania, thanks to its  new statue as  EU member. The membership is highly important for the business environment

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