EVZ EDITORIAL: The future prime minister, who should it be?

EVZ EDITORIAL: The future prime minister, who should it be?

Vlad Macovei: "For a prime minister to resist during his entire term, he can't be just the strong leader of a party or a real independent and not interested by the respective position."

Any other CV declared winner by president Basescu will lead to a government that will not come of age. The chart of the prime minister requires, at first, the gathering and then splitting of the money. The rest is just a play, necessary only in the democracy of common sense. In the time of doing these activities of national importance, the prime minister must be interested in only one thing which is truly important: who is making happy, and who he upsets. In the last eight years, this rope dancing on our tax money was made (for four years each) only by two people who are certainly not loved by you: Adrian Nastase and Calin Popescu-Tariceanu. What do these two prime ministers have in common? They were, during their term, the uncontested leaders of their parties. They were holding the bread and knife without a shake of the arm, but this didn't meant that they haven't hesitated or changed their minds. But finally, they had ruled completely.

What do Victor Ciorbea and Radu Vasile have in common? Do you remember them? They have not led anything. And their life at Victoria Palace was ridiculous and short. The motive: they were not strong leaders in their parties. Because from inside their parties they have received a knock-out blow, not from the outside. The exterior, no matter it's name was PD for Victor Ciorbea or Emil Constantinescu for Radu Vasile, was not possible only through the help of the parties from which they were part. The present history offers us two names, from the same register. Geoana and Stolojan. Some obvious names, at a betting market without a large risk rate. Not one of them has a real chance of leading a government for a long time. If you will hear that Theodor Stolojan is nominated, be absolutely convinced that you will have a rapid change of government, or real anticipated elections. Let's unite the two classes f potential prime ministers. Tariceanu is the strong leader of a common party. Geoana is the common leader of a strong party.

The accent fells on the leader and not on the party. If PNL will make an alliance with PSD, Tariceanu would be more suitable than Geoana. It's, obviously, a cold calculation and I afford to make it because the pattern is purely theoretical: Traian Basescu will not appoint, under any circumstances, anyone of the two. This thing means that, in the autumn, we will either have a government with a rule of several months, maybe a year, until the first obvious shake of the hand (the one with the knife). Any surprise like Elena Udrea or Cristian Diaconescu will have the same fate. The only solution for a long run government becomes, in this way, after my humble reasoning, the naming of a strong independent, who knows all and everything. The only name who comes to my mind is Mugur Isarescu. His chances are also low. I don't think that president Basescu will sign for the second time his own exclusion from the government. Not when the presidential elections are just a year away. Prepare yourself, the circus is not leaving your city!

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