Dacia, again to the streets

Dacia, again to the streets

Even if they qualified as "reasonable" the mangement offer made Tuesday, Dacia's union leaders have decided to continue the strike and to organize, today, a new rally.

"We disscused with the workers, and 85% of them decided to continue the strike. I don't know how long is going to last, because the negociations have been stoped for the moment", said Nicolae Pavelescu, Dacia's union leader.

Production at Mioveni is stoped for 14 consecutive days, and the workers don't want to give up until thei will obtain a 550 lei wage raise and the improvement of work conditions. Dacia's management made a 394 lei raise proposition.

Today, for about two hours, approximately 8.000 workers at Dacia will protest at "Vasile Milea" square, in Pitesti. To the rally will also participate several houndreds of unionists from the National Union Block.

They will be sustained by union leaders from two Renault factories in France, according to Pavelescu. In the last two days, Renault workers from Normandy made a collect to sustain financially Dacia's strike.

The Arges Courthouse decided yesterday evening, after four hours of hearings, that Dacia's union strike is legal and concluded that the factory's administration must pay 1.500 lei for trial expenses.

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