The Golden Matrioshka. The Alliance of "Smart Guys" with AUR

George Simion a comentat scandalul în care este implicat Florian Coldea. Sursa Foto: Arhiva EVZ

The Golden Matrioshka. AUR was an anti-establishment party. Its initial advantage stemmed from the exotic aura of its members who entered Parliament, surprising everyone. Defenders of faith, family-oriented, like Gigi Becali and somewhat idealistic, we easily overlooked George Simion's blunders, his sympathetic civic activist persona often overshadowing his lack of depth. Looking at him, one might say he deserved a chance, especially since some of his colleagues, like Claudiu Târziu or Sorin Lavric, possessed the intellectual consistency that the leader lacked. It appeared to be a party striving to build a nationalism on solid foundations, which many voters sought. The split with Diana Șoșoacă gave hope. However, things have since changed. The 2024  RetuRO Operation began.

Slowly but surely, the party has been rising in the polls, exuding a sense of promise for the future. AUR is now an increasingly coveted political entity. However, in recent times, it has begun to resemble the PSD and PNL during their "glory days". Like its predecessors, AUR has transformed politics into a business. Money is demanded for positions in Parliament, and seats on electoral lists are offered in exchange for media exposure. The identity of those entering the political arena is of little concern; what matters is what they bring with them – be it money, fame, or audacity.

Recently, a man whom I admire, Chris Terheș, contemplated leaving the party due to these unethical practices. Despite efforts to persuade him to stay, he remained deeply discontented.

The Golden Matrioshka

The intertwining of AUR and political maneuvering is evident. Like a Matrioshka. Maricel Păcuraru was known to negotiate appearances on La Famiglia TV talk shows in exchange for spots on AUR's electoral lists, with members of the Păcuraru clan seeking "coledji". If they adhered to the campaign budget, La Famiglia/Realitatea TV would be even more content. Gheorghe Piperea, the controversial lawyer often criticized by students, earns €10,000 a month in Brussels while supposedly defending our sovereignty, all the while working for AUR's clients.

Meanwhile, Cozmin Gușă, the politician ousted from two parties over dubious links with Russia, is vying for a position at City Hall, knocking on AUR's doors for support. Like any escaped nobleman who once served in the Tsar's court (be it Nastase, Plahotniuc, Vanghelie, or Băsescu, take your pick), one knows the (counter)value of capturing the attention of the "real estate sharks". In 2021, Marius Lulea, previously known as the Black Man and a cover for SIE, now stands as a courageous fellow traveler. Consistency, dear George, remains a rarity.

Old Joke

There is nothing novel under the sun, or as the elders say, "The joke's old, the fool's new!" These individuals constitute an eternal matrix of politics, shifting from one ideology to another. Yesterday they were unionists, today they pose as social democrats, tomorrow they align as NATO supporters, and the day after, they profess sovereignty. They lack scruples, adhering only to their self-interests, portraying themselves as the 'smart boys' of politics.

Clearly, George Simion is not deterred by this filth; in fact, there are moments when he publicly admires it. He recognizes the Matrioshka potential, understanding that the lack of consistency within AUR's organizational structure can only be remedied in one manner. How? As the old saying goes.

Simion's directive was clear

He instructed the organizations:

"Bring them all in, regardless of your doubts or their dubious characters, as crooks. Keep them under surveillance, but ensure their inclusion because this year doesn't end in June; it ends in December. We need every vote to surpass the PSD and PNL, so that the PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition no longer commands 50%. This is our primary goal, and we must fight for it," declared AUR president George Simion in a leaked recording that reached the press.

George Simion has denied the existence of this recording, but leaders within AUR have confirmed its authenticity to me. He was fully aware of his words, carefully choosing them with precision. There was no slip of the tongue; rather, he delivered a deliberate message intended to stir waves and reach the ears of the right audience, while also allowing for plausible deniability.

The message was directed to the "smart guys" across various domains and regions: "Join AUR; we have ample spots on the electoral list. Your past deeds and identity matter little; what counts is securing the votes." The Golden Matrioshka is made of AUR. (AUR is the Romanian name for Gold)