The Danube Delta is the main attraction used by authorities in order to lure the foreign tourists from the International Fair in Berlin.
Local tourist operators came up with fishing programs, team-buildings in the Delta and trips to the country side, by bike or by bus and trips to monasteries.
The Danube Delta, that just escaped another avian flue threat, was declared the Year’s Landscape by the Friends of Nature Association. The Delta draws about 70.000 tourists every year.
Silicone implants on the go
The plastic surgery offers are also some of the most promoted among Romania’s programs, and agents claim that prices for a botox implant or a silicone implant are significantly lower than the Western offers.
Romanian authorites strongly believe they will manage to lure more visitors this year. Estimated figures show that over 500.000 germans will visit Romania this year, which is a five percent increase compared to the last year.
Thus, Germany is still the number one provider of tourists for Romania. The Berlin Fair has gathered a world record of over 11.000 tourism agencies from 186 countries.
Lack of interest
German agencies are not so pleased to promote Romanian offers. “We’re just a couple of small companies that still sell tourist packages. The rest say that the prices are too high while accommodation and other conditions barely improve each year, which means that there are less pleasure tourists coming every year” said Toni Messerschmidt, manager of Sofrone Messerschmidt, a company that promotes Romanian offers for the past 12 years.