Special pay offices for the car tax return

The money difference for those who payed or will pay the first registration tax until the 1 of July could be released from a special pay office, made exclusively for this operation, according to the intermediary appliance standards.

Sources in the Ministry of Finances said that the appliance standards of the ordinance on the car tax will be ready in about a week. "The difference between the payed tax and the value of the tax that should be payed after a new formula that will be valid from the 1 of July will be made by deposing a request to the fiscal unit of which the person belongs to and will be released from a pay office", said Mihai Toti, president of the Administration for Environment Fund and member of the work group that is writing the standards. Other details which are going to be settled through appliance standards are about the projects that will receive funds from the money perceived by the car tax.

The deadline is close

Even if the deadline for the finalization of this standards is one week from now, Toti argues that the work group has not gathered until now, but it assures that the legal term will be respected. "We are forming the work group and every ministry (The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economy and Finance) is constructing its own proposals", said the boss of the Environmental Fund. The new form of the car tax was approved three weeks ago and it's calculation will vary with the level of CO2 emissions for Euro 4 cars and some Euro 3 vehicles and has values in reverse proportions with age, for older cars bought outside the country.

From the beginning of the year and until the 9 of May, the state budget collected from the car tax 383.44 millions lei, according to the Ministry of Finances, more than half of the prognosis for 2008.

The Government recorded incomes of 600.8 millions lei (188.9 millions euro) from the first registration tax, dropping with 21.7% compared to the 2007 level, of 766.8 millions lei.