Romania, where horses are abbandoned on the streets

Romania and the European Union are criticised for the way law is applied. An article from The Daily Telegraph named „Horses left to starve after Romania bans carts”, depicts a grousom story, unworthy of an european country.

Weakened, dirty horses, with clear signs of beating, abbandoned in cities all over the country.

„People are strictly intrested in exploiting the animals”, said Corina Daniela Grigore, who runs an animal welfare group in Galati, home to Romania's Mittal steel plant, cited by The Daily Telegraph.

Furthermore, the frequent cases of animal violence show that besides the indifference shown by authorities, the owners do not think twice before beating up and abandoning their animals if they are not pleased with their capabilities.

The romanian authorities have forbidden carts from circulating on public roads, in order to please the European Union. According to the romanian Police, carts have caused about 10 percent of all of last year’s 8.400 severe accidents.

Yet, the journalists of The Daily Telegraph show that farmers in some romanian villages cannot legally get to their fields.

The Daily Telegraph shows a footage of several horses, found in a horrible conditions, in Galati.