PSD threatens Tariceanu with anticipated elections

At the request of his colleague in PNL, bun not sustained by other parliament groups, Olteanu decided to return to the commissions the normative paper which stated the incree of the pension point, giving as reason the need for an opinion from the Ministry of Finance.

You used a procedure vice. The PSD group will not be in this parliament in these conditions or, if he is, its only purpose will be that of undermining the government. I guarantee you, threatened PSD deputy Dan Nica.

Ioan Cindrea, from PSD, more explicitly intervened, saying that anticipated elections must be made. This is the solution, because we cannot accept a government with 20% sustaining in the parliament and 15% sustaining from the citizens.

PD leader Cristian Radulescu asked that the ministers be called urgently to state their point of view. Olteanu agreed, but eventually suspended the meeting and postponed it for the next week.