Pittis was fooling the agents

Andrei Partos tells us how Florian Pittis got over the communist censorship with sensational shows of music and poetry.

In his shows, Pittis recited from the universal poetry, and played music by Beatles, Rolling Stones or Zeppelin for hundreds of young people who stepped on one another in the hall at the Icon’s Garden. There were no posters, the shows were not promoted in any way, the word was spread that Pittis was making sensational shows.

In the 80’s, communists, led by the Ministry of Culture, Suzana Gadea, wanted to cut Pittis’ hair, Virgil Ogasanu, the ex Bulandra Theatre director , remembered how his colleagues sustained Pittis in defying the regime by refusing to cut his hair.

The artist was buried at the Bellu cemetery, on the Artist’s Alley, near Amza Pellea and close to another recently deceased colleague, Adrian Pintea.